
Is it a sacrifice for us to get up early on Sunday mornings to attend our church meetings? Would it be easier to just stay home and get stuff done or go four-wheeling like our neighbors do? Most of the others at school talk about what they did on their TWO-day weekend while I of course just talk about what I did on Saturday. Sunday is always church meetings and dinner with the family. Is it a sacrifice to head early in the morning for a church meeting when I know that the majority of Big Lake is still asleep? Is it a sacrifice to give up picnics, movies and get-togethers on Sunday? Is it a sacrifice to not hit up Target or meet my friends there for their early morning Sunday shopping? No, it isn’t a sacrifice. It is a blessing to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As I was pondering these thoughts on my drive to the church early this morning I had to stop and take a picture of Heavenly Father’s visual reminder that I am so so so blessed.


Fall is in the air

Autumn has officially arrived in my books. Tons of people are at the fair. It was 31 degrees according to Mike as he drove to work early this morning. The leaves are starting to turn and the low bushes coming up the driveway are a beautiful fall red. We spent a few minutes in Joanns today and I felt the aura of golds, oranges and reds in all the crafts and displays. The ambience was in place.   As soon as I got home, out came my autumn leaves in my living room. Hey, I am living the dream here.

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I surrender myself to butter. I adore it. It is a huge delightful weakness in my life. When I eat lo-cal I miss it horribly. When I eat lo-carb it is my best friend. I don’t understand margarine. I don’t understand “I can’t believe it is not butter” because I believe it is not butter. When I was very young we had a lady named Auntie who took care of us when my mom was at work. She was German. I remember that she would take a piece of raw potato and a slab of butter and feed it to us for a snack. I shouldn’t blame Auntie, I should thank her for introducing me to one of life’s delicacies. Thank you Auntie for making my cinnamon rolls taste yummy and for my frosting being so creamy. Butter dribbled over popcorn takes me to the moon. I read that butter is an all-natural food you can feel good about serving to family and friends. Now that is what I am talking about. Nothing tastes or performs better than pure and natural butter. So guess what I picked up at Costco today?


Our Dress

I watched the group of Tech School students get on the bus at Steve’s Food Boy. I promised Rhea I wouldn’t take a picture of her so I inconspicuously clicked a quick pic of a couple of them getting on after her. On Wednesdays the Career Tech Students have to dress up. It is my favorite day to drop Rhea at the bus. I think the kids look awesome. They dress sharp and look confident. I always remember a commercial on TV when I was younger and it said, “If you look good, you feel good and if you feel good, you do good.” Our principal instituted a dress code at our school and I love it. We look good. I feel the difference in how we present ourselves. We are sharp. We had a teacher wearing his white shirt and tie today getting little ones off the small busses and I was proud. I was proud because he looked sharp, professional and he was a great role model. Many years ago when Bret was in sixth grade at Big Lake Elementary I had a choice between two teachers. Both of them were awesome. One wore a shirt and tie every day and the other was kind of the shorts and sandals type of guy. No doubt, I chose the man whose appearance I wanted my son to emulate. You know,at our school we are looking good and we are feeling good and heck, we are doing good!!!



It has been said “that beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and that “there is beauty in everything, just not everybody sees it.” My day brought me three beauties. The first came as I walked up my stairs after driving Rhea down to the bus. The sunrise was my morning beauty. I headed to school and I paid up on my promise that if the pesky mouse was caught and sitting on my desk I would reward with ten dollars. That was my beauty, it looked beautiful to me, probably to no one else. I beheld one less mouse, dead. My third beauty was the most beautiful tree that adorns the front of the school where we wait for the busses. All the children have asked what the berries are and what the tree is. They want to shake it and touch it. I just learned it is a mountain ash. There is such beauty in that tree. I am grateful that the children see that beauty too.


Who am I?

Who am I? Well, I made it on a Diet Coke bottle. Yes!!!!! I got the Canadian flag on my cell phone. Yes!!!!! But who am I really? I know I am a daughter of God. I know I am a Mormon. I know I am a mother to seven children and I seem to mother even more each day at school. I am a wife of thirty-two years. I am a grandmother of five. (six is coming). I am Tara, truly. I hope I am a good person and a good friend. I always say hi to the ladies on the back row at church and I have favored the Potters who sit in front of us since I first met them. I took a bouquet of peonies to Lenora Potter last year which she loved. I always want to be a better person. I could be a better Young Women’s President and I am working on that. I am happy and I love life. I favor Diet Pepsi but thank you Diet Coke for the “Tara” bottle. Your advertising campaign worked because I bought it.

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55 and lovin it

It is the day after the big day and I am winding down from an incredibly great birthday. My Facebook account was flooded with well wishers. Every one of my children contacted me yesterday as well as my parents. My friends were way too generous at our craft day and the desserts were divine. Brooke is fixing dinner which smells fabulous and we are having eclairs later. Have I died and gone to heaven at the age of 55?


Airplane Mode

I love to travel. I could sit in an airport for a long time just watching people and trying to figure out where they are going or coming from. I don’t mind flying but I have noticed the prop planes are making me a little more sick this past year. I may have to be choosy on my destination airports so I can get the big boy planes and not have to worry about that. I was making a reservation lastnight for Kyla’s flight up here in December and as I was picking out her seats I made a comment at how I always pick seats on the left side of the plane and always in the same area. No reason. I always pick a window seat. So, as I am getting tickets for the other kids, sorry you will be sitting where I like.


The Challenge

As an employee at Big Lake Elementary I strive to be on time every day. I try to work hard in my classroom and fulfill the goals established for our children. I have comradarie with my coworkers and try to help out when asked. My evaluations seem to be of a high standard and when asked to perform additional tasks I am compliant. Overall, I would say I am a fairly good and reliable employer. When word came to us that we were challenged to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge I knew right away where my loyalty lie. I would be proud to wear my Big Lake Grizzly shirt (with the long skirt nonetheless) and stand in the field while 3500 gallons of forceful cold water was sprayed on our heads. I fell in line, military style, saluted my “grizz” and joined my team as we not only succeeded in this event but rose above the mediocre and rocked it to glory. For my posterity to relish in my grand accomplishments in life I leave this youtube link.

Gensy Hicks

Tonight we gathered the Young Women at Galene Mahoy’s home around her dining room table. Each girl had a laptop and a great teacher, Tiffany Steiner, as we worked our way through our family history. It was awesome. We sparked some interest and Rhea was taking off with some of our lines. Our goal is in three months for each girl to have a name she could take to the temple. I told some of the girls that it is cool to look back through your family tree and find names that you like or that intrigue you. As I peeked over Rhea’s shoulder we came upon one we just love. Her name was Gensy Hicks. I don’t remember which side of the family but we can now do a little more digging. Any gal with the name of Gensy has a story behind her. I was so proud of the girls for their enthusiasm and willingness to follow the counsel of their leaders. Rhea, you are it girl. Go digging.
