It Feels Good

We all have embarrassing photos and I have two that I am willing to disclose to the world.  The first two pictures are my furnace room which houses tools, parts, paint, some coats and every thing else you can think of.  It was so so so bad that I didn’t call the furnace guy to service the furnace before the winter because I didn’t think he could find it.  And so, my goal in taking the day off school was to give it a makeover.  I was given the coolest quote in a frame from Deb but I was not to open it and hang it until the room was complete. “It feels good to get some things done.”  Only good friends can understand how true that quote is.  I am now proud and pleased as punch to disclose what a furnace room should look like.





If you can’t see it look a little closer.  It is there.  Tara L. Styers MVP.  Yup, I made it and I am bubbled over the top with excitement.  Mike and I are flying to Fairbanks on November 7th and by golly I will be jumping up to get on that plane with the other MVP’s out there.  It has been in the works for the whole year and after our last trip to Arizona my status arrived.  I’m not sure how one goes about advertising the fact that this noble achievement has been attained- buttons, Facebook posts, t-shirts, or mail-out fliers.  Or, do I just gloat when going on my next flight and hope that my celebrity-like reputation follows me and that my countenance says MVP all the way.



Tailgaters is a pub and sports bar in Wasilla.  We love the place, not only for its good food and service but because we find “our people” there.  Never fail when we go there we see people we know, mostly from hockey.   The other night Mike, Rhea, Devin, Brooke and I went and the waitress came by and said “hi Hatcher.”  So that means a few things.  Either Hatcher was just so cute she didn’t forget him or we all go there too much.    As we were sitting down I looked over and there was a good friend who had seen us come in.  We chatted and visited.   As the night went on another lady that I worked with came in and she came over to see Hatcher too!   Dave Stull was a regular in Tailgaters a few years back but now he lives in Utah and is the announcer for the Utah State Hockey Team.  At Friday night’s game Dave did a shout out to us as he was introducing Lane.  Good old Dave.  I miss seeing him at the Friday night date hangout but he is off doing great things.  Friday, Tailgaters, it is a date!


Paige Claire

Paige Claire Styers was born on October 24, 2014 at 9:17pm in the Fairbanks Memorial Hospital.  The story goes something like this.  Bret and Britta got a call that morning that they could head to Fairbanks for her to be induced.  They slowly started her induction and Britta dilated to a 4 and 20 minutes later little princess was born.  Now to really stop and think about that as we all have.  Had they not taken that opportunity and Britta had started labor Bret would have polished off his midwifery skills on the Richardson High.  Not cool although I have no doubt he could have done it.  We are so grateful and so beautifully blessed with five awesome grandsons and now our little Paige Claire will so sweetly reign over us all and we will continue to be so ever grateful.IMG_2356-1IMG_2357-1



Christmas lights are a big deal in our family.  The arrangement is that I will buy the lights this year for both houses and Devin will put them up.  That sounds easy eh?  No, you see we are quite particular about our bulb size and our bulb color.  For many years we have used the C9 old fashioned colored large bulb around the house and on the tree.  For many years we have been frustrated at how many strands quit working and how fast the bulbs burn out and it is hard to replace some of them.  We do not like the color of the LED lights – they just don’t seem Christmasy enough for us.  Last year, after a vexing season I chucked them all.  Yesterday however the heavens opened up and I laid my eyes on a box of multicolor solid LED C9 lights   at Target of course.  Steady illuminating.  Cool to the touch when lit.  Connects up to 90 sets.  98% energy savings.  But could this really be true?  Would we like the color?  Could I convince the family that this was our new route to holiday bliss?  Ta-da.  I draped the cradle in well lit, color appropriate bulbs and the most satisfied, festive relief overcame me.  I think it is going to be a good season.




I blame signs like this for my outrageous desire to eat at every great food place that Alaska doesn’t offer every time I go out of state.  I blame my children for buying me a “Panda Express” gift card for my birthday.  I blame Mike for liking Chick Fil A so much that I have to go with him to keep him company.  I blame Krispie Kreme for making the warmest most decadent fluffs of dough I have ever eaten.  I blame Alaska for not having a Costa Vida or Cafe Rio so I am basically forced to eat there when visiting.  I blame my family when Texas Roadhouse is suggested as a great family dinner location.    I blame myself for loving it all so stinking much and in indulging and bingeing.   Oh well!

Friends Everywhere

When I get on a flight from Seattle or Portland to Anchorage I always seem to know someone on the plane.  Now, every flight I take I see if that statement rings true.  Sometimes I don’t see them in the gate area but as I am walking down the aisle of the plane I spot them.  Since we have lived in Alaska for the last twenty-four years there is that high probability that between hockey, school, work, church and the kids’ friends we know someone.  I had to play the game today – but looking around the people in the gate area I knew no one.  And then, she came.  She is a nurse that works at Mat-su Regional Hospital and I remembered her from when I worked there part time years ago.  And then, none other that David George, our Channel 2 News and weather meteorologist boarded the plane.  I don’t know David personally but he is in my kitchen every morning at 5 am shooting me off my weather for the day and the week.  Since I didn’t think Deb would believe me I took a side shot of him at the baggage carousel.  If I get a shout-out on the news tomorrow I’ll know he saw me take the picture.



There is pizza and then there is pizza.  When we order a good ol pepperoni pizza from the Superstore it doesn’t do much for me.  When I order a vegetarian pizza from Wolfgang Puck Express Cafe in the Sea-Tac Airport I am taken to a new culinary cloud of exquisite delight.  The more the vegetables, including onions and peppers and tomatoes, the happier I am.  Pizza is probably the one food I have mostly said I love throughout my fifty-five years. I can eat it warm or I can eat it cold.  I am not one for meats on it but veggies, absolutely.  This pizza had broccoli too.   I had four hours and four slices to enjoy but I only got two down, the rest is foiled.  And so, to my small blogger world, if you are at this airport, in the C wing and heading home you know my order.  One vegetable pizza to go.  I hear Waikiki has one too just in case you needed to know that.


Dreams Come True

We pulled up to the Phoenix Sky Harbor International  Airport this morning just as a long white stretcher limo pulled in behind us.  As I wheeled in my bags I looked to see who this celebrity might be.  I was shocked, saddened, uplifted and heart-wrenchingly moved to see Joseph a young boy from the Make A Wish foundation on his way to fulfill his dream.  Along with his parents and two women from the Make A Wish foundation he was physically able to fly to Alaska so his little eyes and mind could comprehend and take in the great Northern lights.  As death’s door is obviously imminent I was moved that in his little life he will marvel at our sky’s splendor and colorful art show while we oftentimes take for granted what God has placed within our daily realm.  As we were seated on the plane young Joseph was honored and welcomed aboard and the 737 unanimously applauded him for his adventure.  As we landed in Seattle, young Joseph received more accolades and support from the entire Alaska airlines family and all aboard.  It made me recognize how insignificant I treat things in my life and how this celebrity will help me to change that because each time I look above and witness our big beautiful colorful sky I will think of him and thank God for all the many blessings Joseph and I both enjoy.


The Rock

It is so true that in life we sometimes just need that little nudge.  When I don’t want to go to an evening event at the church and then I go, I feel so good.  When I think I am too tired to read my scriptures and I read I close my eyes happier.  When I blog without dozing off and publish liking what I wrote, I am completely content.  It is like this rock that my mother-in-law has.  On one side it says, “Please turn me over” and on the other side it says, “Oh, that felt so good.”  It is not always easy to take days off work and to get things ready to go out of state but once I do it and we get to watch Lane play hockey and just hang together, well that just feels so good.  When I need to clean out the furnace room and I actually do it I feel absolutely wonderful.    I have been checking over my list of things I need to accomplish, which includes the furnace room by the way, and I am thinking that a rock garden might suit me well and a big nudger.
