Friends Everywhere

When I get on a flight from Seattle or Portland to Anchorage I always seem to know someone on the plane.  Now, every flight I take I see if that statement rings true.  Sometimes I don’t see them in the gate area but as I am walking down the aisle of the plane I spot them.  Since we have lived in Alaska for the last twenty-four years there is that high probability that between hockey, school, work, church and the kids’ friends we know someone.  I had to play the game today – but looking around the people in the gate area I knew no one.  And then, she came.  She is a nurse that works at Mat-su Regional Hospital and I remembered her from when I worked there part time years ago.  And then, none other that David George, our Channel 2 News and weather meteorologist boarded the plane.  I don’t know David personally but he is in my kitchen every morning at 5 am shooting me off my weather for the day and the week.  Since I didn’t think Deb would believe me I took a side shot of him at the baggage carousel.  If I get a shout-out on the news tomorrow I’ll know he saw me take the picture.


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