Spurs. Get Real.

Crazy story but true.  I went to Anchorage early in the morning to drop Mike off to get his car and then started on my list of errands.  Each store brought a story that I just had to call Deb and tell her about when I was done.  First Joanns, then Costco, then Target, then the party store and then finally Fred’s.  I thought I had seen everything until I went to Fred’s to grab my coupon specials.  I saw this man with spurs on.  I had to do a double take and my mind stopped for a moment as I questioned whether we lived in Alaska or not.  Spurs!!  Get real.  i couldn’t wait to tell Deb after I nonchalantly took a pic, which I am getting good at doing by the way.  I wrapped up my shopping, got in the car and called her saying that this guy topped off all the craziness that the morning had brought.  Spurs!!  Get real.  Deb said she knew him and I laughed.  She knows the only guy in the state who wears spurs.  I was an unbeliever until I described him and his wife and to a tee they matched her descriptions.  Viv and Rich.  The more I thought about my morning the faster I drove home to some normalcy.


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