Tara Truly Missing!

To my few followers, and I mean “a few”, you may have wondered where I went.  Actually nowhere.  I have been stricken with something physical that has taken the “umph” right out of me.  My blogging world was put on hold while I struggled to make it through each day.  I am hoping to be back in the saddle soon and to top off my New Year’s Eve I will give you my annual report of “Tara Truly.”  A New York City subway train holds 1200 people.  My blog was viewed about 3800 times in 2014.  If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 3 trips to carry that many people.  There were 410 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 652 MB.  That is about a picture per day.  In 2014 I had 230 new posts, which word press tells me isn’t bad for the first year.  My posts that got the most views were “Good Morning”, “My Sleeping Habits” and “What About Bob?”,  My most commented post  was “A Day of Rest”.  Thank you Brooke and Bret for those comments.   Thank you friends and family for caring enough to read my “nothings” each day and letting me journal and therapy as well.  See you in 2015.  IMG_5172

Beauty’s Day

No one can stop the flow of time but sometimes we can capture a moment in the frame of our hearts.  Such a moment this morning as baby Paige was blessed by her father in their home in Ft Greely, Alaska.   Devin stood in along with Bill Enderley, a friend, and member of the Bishopric.  The Enderley’s lived in Salcha over thirty years ago and that is where we first met them and now these two young boys have grown to be fathers, friends and priesthood holders worthy to give their daughters blessings.  I think back to those days and I’m not sure if I could even comprehend that we would be gathered in a room together witnessing this beautiful little girl being blessed not too many miles from where it all began.  Paige received a beautiful blessing and has started to begin her journey with her family.  She has brought them and us great joy and perhaps Brecken sums it all the best as he doesn’t call Paige by her name.  She is “Beauty.”  Moment captured.

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North Pole

When you are using your map app on your phone and you put in North Pole there are two options:  North Pole, Alaska or North Pole, Santa.  Seriously.  The second choice takes you to the Santa Claus House.  As I passed the Santa Claus house yesterday I remembered something that happened many years ago.  We were newly married and lived in Provo, Utah while Mike attended BYU.  I had made some Christmas items and wrapped them and boxed them and headed to the post office.  I put the first box on the counter and the guy chuckled.  That one was addressed to Santa, Idaho where Mike’s sister Kim then lived.  I put the second box on the counter and it was addressed to North Pole, Alaska.  He didn’t chuckle, he just looked at me like I was real funny.  Perhaps he was a little jealous that our family embraced Christmas to such extreme measures.


When A Wrench Is Thrown

My quick flying weekends to Delta are becoming a habit although this time I got TSA recheck.   I even rented the exact same car as we did three weeks ago.  The flight is so quick I barely get a nap in, a far cry from our flights to Salt Lake or Phoenix.  I quickly drove out of Fairbanks heading toward North Pole when I got a call that Rhea’s games were cancelled and the team was heading home.  It has been a crazy hockey season so far with many cancellations due to weather and ice conditions.  I was still going to see Paige and the boys and to see her being blessed so onward I drove.  I always find parts of the drive breathtaking and with my Christmas music on in the background it was quite tranquil.  Britta became ill as the afternoon wore on and we knew we would have to “tweak” Paige’s blessing plans.  She will now be blessed at home in the morning with Devin, Brooke, Hatcher, Rhea and I there to join their family.  Just a great example of how when plan “A” doesn’t work the alphabet has twenty-five more letters so stay cool.


Snow and Stamina

I had a few random thoughts today.  The first came as I went out to start my car early this morning.  I dearly love snow.  I love the look, the crunch, the piles that are plowed at the side of the driveway and the quiet cleaning it does to our place.  I am actually looking forward to the day when my car is “snowball” buried and we just don’t see it.  Watch out Mr. Snow Plow there may be a little car under that pile.    I love stamina and I am so grateful I have been blessed with stamina.  Although I haven’t felt too well lately and my stamina has wavered a little I do appreciate it.  I have a little Energizer Bunny in me.  I have determination to get up early and get it done.  I love to stay up late and work and clean and craft until I am purely exhausted and crash.  Mornings are my favorite time and I actually prefer that quiet solitude to make my lists, blog or Facebook.   This is a great little cartoon. . .


My Morning Ritual

I make my bed every morning.  I always have.  If I get up before Mike and the bed isn’t made I come home and make my bed.  There have been very few times in my life when I plop into bed and the blankets and sheets are in disarray.  Very few and I say that in all honesty.  I love the look of a made bed.  I like the order it starts my day in.  I find things better, in other words they aren’t lost in the blankets.  I could actually invite someone in my room anytime and I am not embarrassed by its unkeptness.  For the record, that hardly ever happens.  When I “hit the rack” at the end of a busy, tiring day it is so relaxing to pull back the comforter and slide right in.  Perhaps at that moment my day completes itself the way it began.
