Where are you Dad?

I just left the Clinical Neurosciences Center and the University of Utah where my Dad still resides.  it was a tough afternoon and evening for Scott and I.  Dad struggled with many things and we were forced to be firm with him.  The mind is such a complex thing and we see the frightening realities that is has placed before him.  For this reason, we struggle so much to find something physical that can be addressed.  The slate is still clean on that matter.  I know the neurologists have a far greater knowledge than I but I just can’t stop trying to diagnose the matter as each day ticks by.  Leaving him was so hard to do but also leaving my line of one on one communication with the doctors has also been severed.  As we turned the lights off in the room to get Dad to sleep I slipped out the door.  Saying goodbye was more than I could endure after being there for four days so just removing myself quietly was the best.    I found this picture I had quickly snapped today and I ache inside asking again those words, where are you Dad?  Your mind is so far away from mine.  I love you.


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