The End

The worse feeling ever is when you are watching a great movie and the ending comes and you just don’t want it to end.  Give me any Nicholas Sparks’ movie and I’ll feel that way.  I want it to go on for four hours, not two.  I finished my book today of the life of Henry B. Eyring and I just didn’t want it to end.  I dearly loved the book.  It has been a great friend the past few months.  I am now ready to begin a new book.  “The Biography of Thomas S. Monson.”  At least there are five hundred pages before that feeling hits again.  Aaaahhhhhh. . .


Give Me A Break

I passed this sign as I was leaving Big Lake today.  I debated whether I should publicly display this shocking faux pas for even more people to see.  I apologize to the person who made the sign and/or the person who ordered the sign.  I know that not all people are gifted with good spelling sense but for goodness sake ask someone if the word is spelled correctly before having it displayed.   Maybe I am the ignorant one and there is a play on words or something but since I was a child i have known sandwich to be spelled “s a n d w i c h”.  Ughh.  I know our population is small but let’s not let everyone in town believe we are uneducated. I feel responsible to tell every child at school on Monday how sandwich is really spelled.  I feel motivated to white duct tape out the “h” so I can drive through town tomorrow anxiety-free.  Good Grief Charlie Brown~



I caught Tank on Suki as I was heading downstairs on my way to work.  It struck me that there was no innocence in this staged photo.  Something was up.  I gave them a sly grin and reluctantly left the house wondering what they really do when we are all gone.  It only took me about two minutes to conjure up every single sneaky endeavor I am sure they do.  They should remember I watch Forensic Files~not a hair goes unnoticed.

1.  Drinking from toilets. (Tank) Low water level.

2.  Sleeping on the downstairs couch (Tank)  Totally caught in the act.

3.  Sleeping in the upstairs bedrooms.  (Tank)  Ruffled comforter and scrunched up rug.

4.  Walking across long brown sectional. (Suki) Many evidences of hair.

5.  Smelling and snooping in trash.  (Tank)  Butter wrapper licked totally clean.

6.  Roughhousing. (Tank and Suki) (Hallway rug has moved)

7.  Excessive sleeping in the livingoom (vacuum contents are outrageous)

It is one thing to be engaged in the above activities but it is another to pose yourselves in such an innocent manner as to fool your humans.  You don’t.



Today I have some hope.  After talking with Dr. Boston and his desire to work with Lane and to get him out on his mission soon, I was uplifted.  When I use the word “hope” I am not just talking about hoping all the snow melts and spring is arriving or that Lane will be able to buy a great looking suit.  When I speak of hope, I trust God’s promises.  It is that quiet assurance that if we do “the works of righteousness”, we “shall receive our reward, even peace in this world and eternal life in the world to come.”  (D & C 59:23)  Hope is huge.  Hope is deep.  Our whole being and existence is based on hope.  I just happened to stumble across this picture on Facebook and I thought it so appropriate.  How often in life do we have to change directions to see the hope?  And for me, don’t ever give up on hope in the Lord, because He will never give up on me.



 “What’s on your mind?”  is what is says on Facebook when you are about to post.  Well, this Tuesday, this is what is cookin upstairs in my head.  I don’t have to go to the church tonight.  What should I fix for dinner?  Is Dr. Boston going to call me today?  The program for our activity has to be really good.  I should text Ruthann and tell her I will take four boxes of jars.  I am really looking forward to getting my new shelves on Saturday and start working on the carport.  How is my Dad today?  I have to get Deb’s stuff to her.  Ughhh  I need to get my visiting teaching scheduled!  I should just clean out the upstairs closet tonight – that would make me feel good.  I love it when I get all five of my PCI students done in one day.  Yippee!  I should call Grandma about her ticket to Hoonah.  I need to practice those songs on the piano, what a great habit to get back into.  Did I remember my morning prayers?  I think I can wear my lightbcoat outside to get the kids from the busses, it really isn’t that cold.   Peggy’s birthday is Friday, don’t forget to do cupcakes Thursday night.  Did I blog today??


Which Wolf?

“An old Cherokee told his grandson, “My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all.  One is Evil.  It is anger,  jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.  The other is Good.  It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth. The boy thought about it and asked, “Grandfather, which wolf wins?”  The old man quietly replied, “The one you feed.”

There are rules and guidelines.  There are reasons and histories behind these decisions.  There is inspiration.  There are leaders who I support and sustain.  The wolf inside me needs to back down and understand and accept that when there are guidelines, they are to be followed.  And through this process of following and being obedient we see more clearly that we ever did before. The blessings then follow the obedience.



My family all makes fun of the one TV show I watch.  Downton Abbey.  The boys call it Downtown to get a rise out of me.  Every Sunday night I love to totally relax and watch an episode.  I love the manners.  I love the etiquette.  I love the characters.  I love the castle.  I love England.  I have watched every episode and all shows about Downton.   I think the season is closing down soon and I’m not sure what I’ll watch next.  Oooohhh… I may have to check on “Call the Midwife.”  I believe a new season is starting there.  Miss that Chummy.


Changing of the Guard

The time has arrived for the “changing of the guard.”  My calling as the YW’s president will come to a close.  It has been over two years that I have served.  It was a shocker calling from the get-go but I eased into it and loved the girls.  It was fun to be with Rhea and I could make lists of all the things we did and accomplished.  Sometimes some things just seem right, the timing is perfect and change is always good in my books.  Ask Mike, I am always changing something in the house.  I will now be serving in the Relief Society doing the activities with Brooke.  Awesome!!!!!!  Hey Woodstock, changing really can be a good thing.


Mr. Mitchell

About twenty years ago right down here at Big Lake Elementary in the sixth grade wing, I had to make a decision.  Back in the day we could put in a request for the teacher of our choice and that happened to be the year Bret was in sixth grade.  I knew both teachers and I liked them both but I was always pragmatic about this process.  One of the teachers was Lee Mitchell.  I liked Lee for a number of reasons but the most outstanding quality was how sharp he looked.  Lee always wore a crisp shirt and a tie.  He looked like a teacher.  He looked like a role model to me.  I wanted Bret to have respect for Mr. Mitchell and in turn Mr. Mitchell to teach Bret that when we look neat and clean we exude good character and higher moral standards.  This of course is debatable in the midst of the world but I was a mom of a prepubescent teenage and I knew right then he was the man to choose.  Mr. Mitchell’s mother taught at the high school for many years and she too was of high exemplary standards and was dearly loved.  I have remained friends with Lee Mitchell over the years.  They all moved to Missouri and number of years ago but yesterday I got a phone call and I knew right away it was Lee.  He and his wife and children have moved back and he is selling real estate.  My heart is full of thanks for one who showed a bunch of sixth graders what great men they ought to be.

Lee Mitchell

The Fuzzy

This is a “fuzzy”.  The “fuzzy” originated back in 1987 when it was brought over from Korea by Captain Michael Styers as a gift for the family.  More “fuzzys” followed on subsequent trips.  The “fuzzys” live in our boys rooms.  They became a replacement for all other blankets and often sheets.  The heavy brown fur balls were often difficult to get up to the wash because of the lengthy drying time.  They are very thick.  Last weekend Dillon came home to visit and of course a “fuzzy” was left on the couch.  It just fluffed its way out of the drier and is ready for the next sleepover.  The “fuzzy” is a warm, familiar, loyal appendage which encompasses many similar characteristics to Tank, including the deep brown-reddish hues.  No son of mine would ever have a security blanket and even the mention of a “fuzzy” being just that is completely forbidden.  There is a deep respect for the “fuzzy”.  One will notice in the picture that Suki even knows her boundaries.  No cats allowed   IMG_4821