Break Up

Breakups can be painful.  They are the termination of an intimate relationship.  Breakups can sting.  Sometimes during a breakup you need to let yourself mourn, cry, punch a pillow or journal.  Don’t ever pretend you are fine.  Don’t let pride get in the way of being real.  Take some quiet moments to reflect and be honest with yourself.  It is okay to be angry, hurt or humiliated.  It is healthier to express yourself honestly than be numb.

There is another kind of breakup that can also be painful.  It is the termination of an intimate relationship with winter.  Breakups can be wet, soggy, messy, slippery mixed with chunks of dirty old ice and salt.  Sometimes during a breakup you need to let yourself mourn, cry, punch a pillow or journal.  Don’t pretend you are fine if you aren’t.  If you are fine with it, take some quiet moments to reflect and be honest with yourself.  It is ok to be jubilant, exhilarated and over the top giddy.  It is healthier to express yourself honestly and just put on a pair of good ol’ rubber boots.   Hello spring.


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