
Today is Sunday.  I am tired.  Really really tired.  Micah and Hinckley left early this morning.  Church was good.  I am tired.  I didn’t cook.  We grazed.  I slept on the couch.  I never do that.  Hey, this is a blog and we are calling it good.


Charms First

I saw the bowl of Lucky Charms minus the charms today.   Way to go Blaze for reminding Grammie to work on a summer where we “eat the charms first”.  We can leave all the boring stuff till later but let’s work on the fun.  We loaded the boys and walked to Fish Creek.  Blaze went to play at the park and took a dive.  Micah and I went on a six-wheeler ride.  Granddaddy let Hinckley try a little Pepsi.  Rhea showed how us to shoot that bow!  IMG_5959IMG_5841IMG_5832-1IMG_5892IMG_5906IMG_5917

Be Smart Gun Smart

Highlight day of the year.  I shot my Glock for the first time at our Relief Society Activity.  We learned obout gun safety, proper stance, proper loading and aiming at our target.  We had four instructors that worked with us and we all had turns shooting.  Micah shot first using my gun and then it was me.  I was so glad I hit the plate.  Seriously, I just wanted to hit the plate.  The hot brass bounced off my body but my aim became steady, my confidence increased and my head was as bigger than one of Charlie’s Angels.  We all had a blast (pun) but mostly I got such a bang (pun) out of Lenora Potter who is 80 years old.  Bless her heart, she was inspirational to me.  Word has traveled quickly throughout the Facebook world and the frenzy about the coolness of our activity is running rampant.

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The first thing in order today were the weeds.  Micah, my resident horticulturist, aided or rather headed up this big project.  My Peonies and Columbine are looking healthy.  The next step were planting the flowers.  It was a beautiful day and it was so fulfilling to have it all done.  To top it off Micah did the flower boxes in Paige’s Playhouse.   Thank you President Hinckley for reminding me that without hard work nothing grows but weeds and thank you Micah for picking such a great major in college.



Throw out the Xanax, throw out the Dramamine.  I flew from Hoonah to Juneau taking absolutely nothing and I made it.  It was turbulent part of the way but I developed a new system that I call “hypnoflying”.   I wore my headphones and had the cold air blowing directly on my face.  I focused on something and just told myself that it was only a short flight.  it worked.  I’m not saying this is monumental or anything just that there is hope for any other flights in the future.  You go girl!!


I managed one selfie but I didn’t take many.  I had to get back to concentrating.


So what does a person do on a lovely sunny day in Hoonah?  Go bear watching!  We piled in the car, babies and all, and headed off to a remote spot where we were pretty well guaranteed to see bears.  Mike and Bret went ahead while us women and children sheltered ourselves in the vehicle barring any unforeseen moms and cubs hovering close.  We were given the ok and we all walked down a beautiful, thickly wooded path to a perfect viewing of two brown bears.  Just another aspect of #hoonahlove.



Chipper Fish

We were treated to a dinner at Chipper Fish by Dillon and Kristi, the newlyweds.  My Dad immediately bought himself a black Chipper Fish hoodie while we watched the fresh live crab being dropped into the pot to be steamed.  For dinner we had salmon bites,  fresh crab, macaroni balls,  green salad and berry shakes for dessert.  It was mouth watering delicious and so cool to finally be in Chipper Fish eating.  There are perks to living in a small town.  Kristi said that a friend dropped off a cooler of live crab because he knew she had family in town.

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Wedding Day

It was a beautiful wedding.  We are so happy that Dillon and Kristi are married.  It was quite obvious by all that what said that these two are highly thought of and well-respected in Hoonah.  We met so many wonderful people and the mayor was very kind and complimentary to our family and hoped that we return often.

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The Flight and the Flight

IMG_5652 IMG_5660.JPG IMG_5668-1It was a day of two flights for me and two flights of a different nature.  I always got airsick when I was young so I have been leery of the flight over but I was a champ!

After we arrived I took a flight that I never thought I would.  We ALL went down the zipline in Hoonah which is the longest and tallest zip liner in the world with a vertical drop of 1300 feet.  It reached speeds of 60 mph and we were suspended 300 feet from the ground. Woo hoo.  Of course, I have the coolest parents and mother-in-law as well because they joined us in our flight down.  Truly, these pictures tell all.  IMG_5720.JPG-2 IMG_5719.JPG-1 IMG_5716.JPG-1 IMG_5713.JPG

The Entourage

The entourage has left on our way to Juneau tonight.  Three vehicles, eight adults, one child, two babies, two baby beds and tons of luggage make us an entourage.  We are meeting my parents and Mary Jo in Juneau where we will spend the night prior to our flight to Hoonah.  This is going to be quite an adventure as we then head off to Dillon and Kristi’s wedding.  Dillon wanted all of his siblings there and Kristi wanted a Hoonah wedding.  Let’s make those dreams come true.
