The Flight and the Flight

IMG_5652 IMG_5660.JPG IMG_5668-1It was a day of two flights for me and two flights of a different nature.  I always got airsick when I was young so I have been leery of the flight over but I was a champ!

After we arrived I took a flight that I never thought I would.  We ALL went down the zipline in Hoonah which is the longest and tallest zip liner in the world with a vertical drop of 1300 feet.  It reached speeds of 60 mph and we were suspended 300 feet from the ground. Woo hoo.  Of course, I have the coolest parents and mother-in-law as well because they joined us in our flight down.  Truly, these pictures tell all.  IMG_5720.JPG-2 IMG_5719.JPG-1 IMG_5716.JPG-1 IMG_5713.JPG

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