My Mary Janes

My Mary Jane Dansko’s broke again last week.   The strap snapped off leaving my favorite all time wonderful shoe hopeless and unusable.  This happened a few years ago and I was able to find a man in Palmer that fixed them but now I have lost track of him.   I searched in Anchorage and found a little shoe repair shop owned by an Oriental man who took my Mary Jane’s in without saying much and gave them a second chance at life.   Today I picked them up and for just ten dollars my dreamy Dansko’s were in working, happy order once again.   Ten dollars I pondered.  That was such a small trivial amount to make something so perfect and wonderful again.  I ought to think of that each day.  it doesn’t take much to change a saddened heart or to pick up one’s spirits.  Ten dollars buys a small bouquet of fresh flowers that can brighten up a home and heal a soul that hurts.  A smile, phone call or notecard is free.   Something small always seems to bring the big.


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