Halloween 2015

  All the Halloween preparation, the bags of candy, the decorations and the hoopla . . .  and  then Mike and I decide to go to a movie!!   Go figure.  Happy Halloween.   Here is a photo display of my little Halloween munchkins.



What Happens Today?

This picture is the clue as to what happens today:


We go from a small container to a big jug of milk because. . . Lane is coming home this evening.  We are glad to have him back but sad he had to cut his Ogden Mustang career short because of medical problems.  He will be a great help to Devin as they work on the second cabin, help Mike coach hockey and substitute teach at the high school    It is unfortunate Lane has had a few storms to fight this past year.  “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene

Me and Naps

I didn’t feel so swift today.    I must have caught a little bug because I didn’t have the umpf to walk, nor did I accomplish a lot.  I didn’t make a list and I didn’t get much done.  I did take a nap though and those that know me well know that I never take naps.  I can fall asleep in a dentist’s office or at a stop light but never to lay down to nap.  Years ago when we lived at Scott AFB in Illinois I met a woman who took a power nap every day at three pm.  All her friends knew that at three they were not to call her or stop by.  Her kids would nap at the same time and for those twenty minutes she rejuvenated herself and moved on with her day with vigor.  Oh, how I wished I could be like her. . .


Destination Addiction

I took a screen shot of a quote I stumbled upon:


It reminded me of some people I know that always think the grass is greener on the other side.  They journeyed to the other side only to find “life” is still there.  I am so happy and content that I love where I live and who I live with and where I am going.  As I came home from walking today I drove a little further up our road and took this picture of the sunrise – kind of my screen shot of “happiness.”


You Try

I seem to have allergies these days and find that if I take one allergy pill each day it curbs it enough that I can survive.  That seems very simple, right?  No.  The most difficult thing about this process is that I cannot get the pill out each morning.  I end up cutting it out because I get so frustrated that I can’t tear it.  On the back of the pill it says “tear open.”  My insistence comes in the fact that it says it can be torn so I try each day but to no avail.  FRUSTRATION!!!!!

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Penny In My Pocket

My only walking partner in the mornings lately has been Emilie. (Deb is justifiably excused while she watches grandkids).  After getting three or four laps in, listening to music and huffing along at a good pace,  I see Emilie sitting on the bench waiting for me.  I take off my headphones and we walk thirteen laps together.  Each time we round the bend by the bench she takes the penny in her hand, says “penny in my pocket” and puts it in her pocket.  She then retrieves a new penny out of her bundle of thirteen and waits until we pass the bend again and she says it again.  Once the laps are done, she walks the stairs three times and then leaves.  I continue huffing to music until my hour is up.  Emilie has few friends, lives a simple life and has had rough times.  We have little in common and walk to small talk every morning. There are times I wish I could just keep going by myself but when I see her sitting there with her $15 Memory Foam shoes from Walmart I just can’t. You see,  Emilie is my “penny in my pocket.”  She gives me thirteen laps to share myself, to partner up, to hang with and to hopefully give a lonely seventy-one year old woman a friend.  She is my “penny in my pocket” and more, because the worth of a soul is great in the sight of God.


Paige’s First Birthday

Paige:  big saucer eyes, smiles always, walks up the slide when she has no socks on, limber body,  poses for pictures,  adores her mom and dad, giggles when Brecken is funny, likes Suki, little girl fashionista and devoured her first little birthday cake.  Happy Birthday Paige!  We love you.

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The Clog

I speak following the aftermath of a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.  I had a clogged sink.  I remembered the drill from the twice yearly episodes but nothing would work.  I tried Drano, the plunger, vinegar and baking soda and even disconnected the trap below but found it was clear.  I worked on the sink for a couple hours and then I called Devin.  I hauled bowls and bowls of water into the bathroom while he took everything apart underneath.  Nothing was clogged.  We knew the problem was deeper and further and due to our time restraints and house full of people I called “Mr Plumber”.  Mike was out of town and I knew that we needed a sink that would drain.  Within a few minutes the snake aided in the beautiful sound of all -water running freely down the sink.  Today, it is still the most beautiful sound of all.


My Kind of Pizza

As dinner approached and plans changed we decided to order pizza.  I looked at the Pizza King menu and the small “Spinach and Feta Cheese” screamed my name so I put in my order.  It arrived warm and inviting and all for me.  Nothing beats pizza where you scrape off the tops and line up the bottoms.  Mangiamo!  Mangiamo!


Once Again

My pumpkins are dressed.  Two wear doilies and three are dotted.  The Cafe Rio is made and the room is put together.  The speaker is prepared.  The sitters have been rounded up.  Brooke has the dessert done.  Facebook reminders have been done.  The months roll by so quickly as one activity is prepared, done and cleaned up and here we are again doing another.  We hope everyone comes, is happy, uplifted and leaves a little better person than when they came.  That is our goal.

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