The Sabbath

 The Lord gave the Sabbath to man as a gift—a day of rest, a day for good deeds and kindness, a day to withdraw from the concerns of the workaday world and enter into the fulfilling world of the Spirit. Sunday should be the best day.  Today was a great day.  May I paint a brief picture of what my day looked like:  the making of “Snicker Lasagna”, throwing rolls of toilet paper around in the nursery, listening to the Seminary kids speak in church including Rhea (great job), dinner cooked and on the table, little boys finding my ice cube trays and a darling big Minnie Mouse mug to finish the night off.  I love Sundays.

Aim For The Eyes

While at the checkout at Fred Meyer in Anchorage the checker asked me if I had a hornet or wasp infestation.  I looked at her funny until I realized she was holding my can of Hot Shot Wasp and Hornet Killer ready to scan it.  I told her no, but if I had an intruder in my home I would be taking care of them quickly.  She still didn’t get it and probably thought I meant the intruder was a hornet.  I told her it had a twenty-seven foot jet spray and if I didn’t have time to load my Glock 9mm I needed something handy.  She did not take me seriously.  I told her it goes right under my bed.  She quickly scanned the rest of my stuff to get me out of there and probably couldn’t wait to go home and tell her husband about the crazy lady she met at work.


Must Be In The Blood

Uncanny is the only word that fits.  My Dad and I found out that we both put up ceilings for weddings without either of us knowing that is what we did.  This discovery happened many years ago but was brought to my mind as I was viewing old VHS tapes and came across the tape where he is demonstrating his process on film.  I went back through some old photos of when Deb and I did weddings and found our most beautiful ceiling that we did.  Isn’t is just uncanny that we would involve ourselves in the same thing at the same time??

Bobble Thoughts

I was asked by a friend how I knew what to blog about.  I was slightly dumbfounded.   I never really think about it.  Although sometimes quirky and sometimes trivial the thoughts just appear and seem noteworthy enough to be put down in print. Foremost, I write them down for me to remember.   It is good to look for the beauty around us or to find the funny that urged us to keep moving along.  Maybe my head bobbles things around more than the average head and maybe that is a blessing or a curse as my few readers might agree.   Thank you friend for your insight.  I may not have helped you any in your endeavor to retrieve enough information for your nightly blog entry but mine is done.


Little Sister

Today is the day my grammie temporary custody duties end.  Gosh have Hatcher and I had fun.  We played, we snacked, we shopped, we bonded, we napped, we watched movies and now we await for little sister to come through the door.  Perhaps Hatcher should read “The New Baby” by Mercer Mayer because once that door opens his little world will be turned upside down.  There is good news however.  This adjustment phase is temporary and the benefits of having a sibling far outweigh the initial setbacks. So Hatcher,  this little burrito will only be the enemy for a short time and then . . . little sister will be your adoring best friend.

Grati Tuesday

Grati Tuesday.   Snuggles with Hatcher.  Shopping trip to Target.  Listening to laughter from Rhea and Hatcher during their playtime.    Oaklee moments.  A Houston Hockey win.  Dropping off old movies to goodwill.  Hinckley/David Micah happy pictures from Disneyland.   Reuniting with a childhood friend.

Sweet Oaklee

After a tumultuous week of “things happening” we had a sweet ray of Oaklee sunshine come into our lives.   She is perfect and chubby and couldn’t have arrived on a better day.  She will now share her birth day with Uncle Lane and Grandma Judi.  Oaklee weighed in at 8 lbs 3 oz and is 21 inches long.  Brooke posted the most beautiful quote by that sums up so many feelings that we have.   “We hold in our arms the rising generation. They come to this earth with important responsibilities and great spiritual capacities. We cannot be casual in how we prepare them. Our challenge as parents and teachers is not to create a spiritual core in their souls but rather to fan the flame of their spiritual core already aglow with the fire of their premortal faith.” (Neil L. Anderson)  How blessed Oaklee is to be raised by such good, loving parents and a big brother that will love her beyond measure.  Not today, but one day.  (he didn’t even cast a glance at her in the hospital.)



We rumbled, rolled and shook at 1:30 am.  Of course, I was already awake because our trusted old boy Tank has the canine instinct of already hearing it come as he let out three loud warning barks.  I said earthquake and moved to the motions of a big one!  There was a loud crash and Mike asked me what broke.  I do confess to be the almighty “knower” of many things but how the heck was I to know what fell?  I got up and surveyed the situation.  My huge clock on my new wall had fallen along with one picture.  Fortunately they were not broken, just a little shaken I’m sure.  Back to bed I went, laying awake through the small movements until I finally fell asleep.  Yup, we made it through a 7.1.  Atta boy Tank.  Gee, hope Rhea is ok.

Changing Gears

Does our brain have gears??  Mine must because I am always changing gears.  A month ago I was on Pinterest drumming up ideas for our Relief Society activity and today I am singing Willoughby Wallaby Woo and packing a stuffed elephant in my nursery bag.  Instead of fancy finger foods or a yummy punch it is goldfish, veggies straws and water in sippy cups.  I gave away an old camp book today because my brain gear isn’t on Young Womens. Out went the girly bracelets I still had hanging around.   I think it is good to change gears every so often so they don’t get rusty and squeaky.  Gotta run, I am blowing up balloons and practicing with my animal finger puppets.


The Buds

Micah and Hinckley dropped in to grab a suitcase for their Disneyland trip and so Devin, Brooke and Hatcher popped over to visit.  Since I had been practicing, the piano was open and inviting for the two boys to get on the bench for their duet.  Hinckley was huggy and snuggly and Hatcher allowed just one squeeze as we took these pictures.  Someday we may hear – “Cousins?  Nah, we are best friends.”