
In the words of Dr. Seuss. “The more that you read, the more things you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”  Rhea has done just that.  As I complete and update binders for all our kids, she then reads through them to learn more about her older siblings.  Their hand drawn, crayon colored family portraits rarely have her in them as she came along many years later.    They played sports that she didn’t know they played.  She learns of their awards and accomplishments and also a few failed papers.  She explores their personalities by reading notes they used to leave me and comments from school teachers.   She marvels at old hockey team photos and numerous newspaper articles.   Rhea has connected with their young lives and now sees all the places she can go, and more

Bring It On

In the absence of his father Hatcher has entered the world of various and revolving activities to fill his days.    He could really be on the cover of a “Day Camp” brochure for up coming two year olds.  This collage tells all:

Be Happy Next Time

We tried to weasel out of the assignment but we succumbed to the task of doing a cooking class at Women’s Conference.  It was a grueling week cutting six hundred cards for thirty individual recipe books.  We painstakingly redid our recipes after finding out we didn’t have the kitchen available to us, therefore unable to do some of our “old favorite wedding appetizers.”   We prepped for eight different finger foods and purchased matching aprons for the morning.  We grumbled and dragged ourselves to the event.  There we stood, with happy faces, jokes in our pocket and yummy after yummy for them to eat.  I would say it was a success.  My aren’t we the grumpy ones.


Number One

Flannel sheets are my favorite.  Today I bought a new set at Costco and can’t wait to slide into the warm, fuzzy sheets.  Maybe it is the fact they hold in the heat that urged seamstresses to begin making sheets in the 1950’s. The dual layers are able to “cling” together and in the midst of that “cling” is me.   To date, sheets remain as flannel’s most popular point of sale. Though clothing can still regularly be found (and again is making a fashion comeback in the United States), sheets remain as flannel’s number one seller.  Thank you flannel for keeping me toasty, cozy and a soft blend that increases my warmth.  For those who are not already an owner of flannel sheets, it’s time to join the revolution – your all year sleeping habits will thank you.



Very Sweet

Some times people say the nicest things:

On Facebook from ‎Daphne Atoz‎ to Rhea Styers

Tonight I had a talk with Miss L. She has been asking to play hockey and I told her next fall I would sign her up. Tonight she informs me that she doesn’t know if she should because one of her only friends says her mom won’t let her be friends with a hockey player. I told her about you, dear sweet amazing Rhea. A young women who is the nicest, happiest, most loving, so very cheerful, bubbly, strong, shows true charity, not afraid to stand for what is right, dedicated, and such an amazing example to others. Oh and she just happens to be a fantastic hockey player also. I told her that if she could grow up and be just like you, I would be so very happy. Miss L. Would very much like to meet you.


This Is A Phone Booth

I remember when:  we owned a green GMC Safari van, the winter brought us tons of snow, elephant pants and mini skirts were in style when I was a teenager,  our neighbors got a color TV (we still had black and white),  we used to use a pay phone,  Walmart was across the street from where it is now,  Friday nights were spent watching the Brady Bunch and the Partridge Family,  every one knew our kids at the hockey rink, summer trips to Valdez, french braiding hair, hockey in the hallway with small sticks, wresting in the living room when someone always cried,  I used to make all the kids Halloween costumes and I remember when we used film in our cameras.  My have times changed and I am so glad I can still remember them all and more. . .

Phone booth

Leftover Dream Pie

Grati Tuesday!  I am so thankful for “Hatcher’s First Day at Grammie’s Day Camp”, crunchy peanut butter on saltines,  a finished scrapbooked binder, notes left on food in the fridge, morning phonecalls with Deb, flannel sheets,  clean toilets and morning light shining through the windows just a few minutes earlier than the day before.


The Light

In Mosiah 16:9 we are taught that our Savior, Jesus Christ, “is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened.” Jesus and His Gospel are the lights that can guide you throughout your journey here on earth. These lights are brighter and stronger than any darkness you will encounter in this life.  Each day as I see the beautiful light of the morning  I am reminded of all the goodness that is in my life.  I know that the Savior lives and that he loves me.  I want to live in His light always.



I remember that I wanted to ride on the bus because my grandpa was the bus driver.  This was in Victoria, British Columbia.  (Gordon Head to be more precise).    I don’t remember how old I was but I adored my Grandpa Allan.  I recall him sitting me in the front side seat and introducing me to some of his usual riders.  That is all I remember.  When I woke up his route was over, the bus ride had ended and I missed it all.  I slept through the entire event. Then there was the time I slept through an entire Star Wars movie at a movie theater none-the-less.   I suppose I shouldn’t feel too bad, people slept through the sinking of the Titanic, plane crashes, war zones and even when  cars crashed through their homes.  I’m not that bad.


Bling Knobs

Is our craft day just a “craft” day?    No.   An onlooker may hear such phrases as these:

~ Can you get me one of those “bling” knobs?

~I love your pulled pork but the last time I ate it here I had a full-blown gallbladder attack.

~Do you want me to cut your tags for you?  You seem to be having a difficult time.

~Look, she just modpodged the top and not the bottom.  Marvelous idea – everyone come look!!

~Next month is a Nicholas Sparks marathon at Deb’s house but we will also make the chunky bunny blocks the week before.  Taffy is doing the ears.

Just a group of crazy over fifty-five year old women laughing, crafting, eating, creating, sharing, helping, arguing, discussing and annoying one another with Alex as our wingman cutting the screws to our desired length.    I love these days intensely.
