Visiting the Peaches

Nothing compares to the excitement of Blaze visiting Grandpa and Grandma Peach’s house.    The day started with Blaze watching Mommy, Grammie and Grandma Peach getting their pedicures.  Off to lunch with Grandpa Peach where we had lunch and pie which is Grandpa’s favorite.  He and Blaze were sneaky and took Grandma Peach’s purse when she was in the bathroom.  He adores his great-grandparents and carries on his own private conversations with them in their office and bedroom.   A day with the Peaches.

The Makings Of A Book

Why write your family history?   “You could have a great effect on those who follow you. Your example, your trials, and your triumphs will strengthen and motivate others. The prophet Job of the Old Testament, who suffered many trials, mourned, “oh that my word were now written! Oh that they were printed in a book! That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever!” (Job 19:23–24). His words were written, and his triumph over tragedy and his faith have remained an example of devotion to people of the world for thousands of years.   Writing your history now can also provide you with an opportunity to evaluate your life. It may help you clarify your direction in life. Even if your childhood wasn’t idyllic, writing about it can help you cope with your feelings and possibly find understanding and forgiveness.”   Kyla and I sat with my Dad and we recorded three hours of his life until the wee hours of the morning beckoned us to bed.  We have scheduled more stories in May when I return.  Scott has all his photos so we will collaborate the story with the picture.  I promised Dad we would have it all in print soon.



We managed to get on the plane (Oklahoma bound for Brooke) with an entourage of bags,  stroller, car seat, back pack, Oaklee in her Baby Bjorn and Hatcher in his jammies.  Nothing topped his walk down the aisle unassisted to the smiles of many as we prepared for our tiring all-nighter flight.  If it wasn’t for our adrenaline at the excitement of them reuniting with Devin we would have looked and felt even worse.  The kids were awesome.  We tearfully parted at the gate and away they left for the last leg of their journey.    I spent the rest of my flight just waiting for her plane to touch down so I could have peace of mind.  A bitter sweet day indeed.


Hatcher found a friend.

A Volcanic Eruption

The eve of the flight:

~pouring buckets of rain

~photoshoot for Oaklee

~Volcano Pavlov’s eruption cancels flights heading north

~packing, cleaning, laundry in the cabin

-Hatcher wide-eyed laying in bed

-late night shower

-Panda Express take-out


My Table

How blessed I am to have wonderful friends.   Those friends that remain close to me are the ones that uplift me, laugh with me and encourage me.  Those friends that have entered on my path and the road has been bumpy remain on the sidelines and I try to be kind and civil.  I received the most incredible quote from one said awesome “friend”, my BFF as Rhea would say.   “The older I get the more I realize the value of privacy, of cultivating your circle and only letting certain people in.  You can be open, honest, and real while still understanding not everyone deserves a seat at the table of your life.”


My Book Review

Nothing like reading a best seller and loving every page and every word.  “When Breath Becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi is an excellent read.  Paul Kalanithi died at the age of thirty-six after completing ten years of training as a neurosurgeon.   He was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer and from his words we learn about life, about dying and he teaches us about life.  I am deeply moved by his training, his schooling, his brilliance for neurology and neurosciences.  I savor each page and truly wished it would go on for even more pages.  I only read a portion each day so my treasure will last through my trip.


My Friday

Just plopped in a chair at nine this evening.   Rhea went into Anchorage to a game, she got her provisional off yesterday so she drove Kali.    Mike was in Talkeetna working all day.    Micah is exhausted because Hinckley has been up with a fever the last few nights.  Kyla had a migraine but thank goodness Blaze got his box.  Brooke has to be off dairy because “Pudge” has bad poop.  Devin is studying for a test on Monday.  Rhea may be the catcher on her softball team.  David is trying to fix their vacuum because his darling wife accidentally sucked up thread which kind of means the whole spool went spinning.  I drove Deb to Anchorage to get her truck after I swept and mopped her floors while I was waiting for her at her house.  That is what friends do.  Lane called and wanted to know if I got his insulin yet.  I didn’t but he said he could squeeze some more drops out of his vials so that was a good feeling.  He can stay alive and I can continue to sit here feeling overwhelmed but so very grateful for all the many hiccups and bumps along the way.  Did I mention Hatcher and I hung out while sister had her doctor’s appointment???

Welcome Spring

Just a few thoughts about melting snow.  Not complaining, just saying.

 My floors never stay clean.

Everything is soggy.

The dog poop emerges in the yard.

My car gets covered with every puddle.

Tank begins exploring again.

Hatcher gets wet feet.


A Most Important Day

“Friends pick us up when we fall down, and if they can’t pick us up, they lie down and listen for a while.”  It was a day for listening, talking, sharing and for just being there for two friends.  The morning was a hour long phonecall and numerous text messages and the afternoon was  visiting a friend in her home for a nice two hour conversation.  Listening is easy but I always wished I had the training and skills to truly help them through the struggles of life.  I have told many that if I did it all over again I would love to be a counselor/therapist/psychologist, but I’m not so I will listen.

“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again!” – Mahatma Gandi


The Hunt

I have all the Easter baskets done.  Easton, Brecken and Paige got theirs on our last trip.  Hinckley, Hatcher and Oaklee had a delivery yesterday.  Blaze is waiting at the mailbox for his box.  Rhea’s and Lane’s are awaiting Easter Sunday morning.   There are numerous egg hunts going on this Saturday which reminds me of all the years we took the kids down to Big Lake Elementary for the Easter egg hunt put on by the Lion’s Club.  The Busheys always came in their big van.  Their kids always got more eggs than anyone.  They always won the prizes.   One year we got there super early so we could get a jump start on the Busheys.  Sure enough, they pulled up in their van, had their egg pails ready, took off and still got more eggs than us, and won the prizes.   Happy Easter Doug and Rochelle – we sure love you guys.
