The Deep Root

Mike and I went for a walk with Tank and crossed this large root which split through the sidewalk on the bike path.  I thought about the forceful tree base and how it forged through concrete to his resting spot for the time being.  It made me wonder if I am rooted in the Gospel as I should or am I just “staying put” and making do.  One of the most effective ways we can be rooted in Christ is to immerse ourselves in his word. When we read and study Scripture, it is a lifeline with the Lord. We are striking our roots deeper and deeper into  the good life-giving soil and drinking from the living waters: “Happy the man who… delights in the law of the Lord and meditates on his law day and night. He is like a tree planted near running water, that yields its fruit in due season, whose leaves never fade” (Psalm 1:1, 2-3).  Perhaps the walk and the root were there for me to think and act.


Memorial Day 2016

We had a small gathering – Lane, Mike, David, Hinckley, Micah and I.  We made shish kabobs that were fun and easy.  Mike prepared his shrimp and we skewered to our liking.  The weather was nice and the day was quiet and memorable.  I love holidays like this where we just relax on the deck, talk and enjoy.  That is where the memories are.  Family.  Time to reflect on the importance of the day. Good food. Sunny days.  Love.

My Job


I can give advice when asked.  I can listen when my children need to talk.  I can show support when needed.   I can silently watch.  I can pray. Prayer – that is by far my most noble job.


Devin and Brooke secured a duplex as their home for the next year or so in Fairbanks.  It isn’t far from the airport and close to stores.  Their ward is supposed to be a good one.  These past few days have been somewhat nostalgic remembering thirty-four years ago when we first moved up to Alaska.  The downtown is more cleaned up and beautiful.  I remember the train station as we would clean the trains that came from Anchorage to Fairbanks. We drove by the offices where I got my first job working with kids in the Fairbanks School District summer program.  We lived in Moose Creek and often went to Eielson Air Force Base to bowl or shop with Mike’s parents.  Oh, those summers were hot!  They were all good, strong, happy memories.

Hatcher’s Perks

The perks of my second day in Fairbanks by Hatcher Styers:

 Uncle Jimmy has a nice big lawn to play on.

My cousins come to play with me.

Belle and I really like each other.

Grammy lets me use three straws.

The Fairbanks Fire Chief’s car in the garage.

I think I am going to like it here!!!

Fairbanks Or Bust

The apprehension of the drive with two little ones left us wondering how long the trip would actually take us.  The caravan left around nine am with Brooke and Oaklee in the car, Devin driving his red pickup with his grill strapped in the back with two big diaper boxes and Mike and I and Hatcher in the big red truck pulling the big black trailer with all the goods and the freezer in the back.    The drive was AWESOME and the kids were AWESOME.  Hatcher never peeped except when he wanted Grammie to send back more goldfish, Froot Loops and/or his water.  Oaklee slept most of the way with Brooke.  Devin’s truck made the trek and he fit the all-Alaska mold of a true man with his grill and diapers.  We made the trip in stellar time.  Home Sweet Home-we made it!

Load ‘Em Up

It is load up day.  The long awaited day has arrived that we filled the trailer from the packed storage unit.   I helped unload from the unit while Mike and Devin packed it tightly into the back and strapped it in securely.  I wasn’t too much help but a quick run to the Holiday store for sodas really made me feel needed and important.  After a few hours we had their “life” intact into the black “Interstate” and ready for the journey north.    I forgot to mention that a great moving tip is to get a good night’s sleep the day before the move, moving is stressful and physically demanding, and by the end of the day, tempers will run short, especially if you start the day already tired. Eeeks, maybe I should have reminded everyone last night.  Fortunately, no tempers flared and we are ready to head home and load up the rest.  We will get a good night’s rest tonight as tomorrow the trek to Fairbanks begins.

I’m Addicted

I started a new TV show series a few weeks ago and now I am addicted.  Once again, I have missed my calling in life to be a member of the BAU (Behavioral Analysis Team) of the FBI.  I not only watch the show and love all the actors, characters and real-to-life scenarios but I did my own research on what the BAU is all about.    To be able to profile someone and study their mind and behavior is fascinating to me.    The perspective that is looked at is the behavior, it’s the motivation. It’s the ‘why’ part of a criminal investigation. For instance, they do research and interview serial killers to understand why they do what they do so that they can be caught.  It sounds like a horrific, difficult and challenging career but it certainly intrigues me.  If I could only go back about thirty-five years . . .


A Dream Or A Nightmare

Driving out of Big Lake this morning my mind was shattered with a deluge of quandering thoughts.  Were these new developments part of a dream or a nightmare?  The unsettling news that Big Lake was getting a roundabout has not even absorbed into my skin, nor my mind.  How could something so absurd be happening to our small quaint recreational town?  As I cornered my Mini past the Y I saw the machinery lined up, the big lights for night work and the “Slow Down” construction signs posted.   This nightmare would plaque us all for the rest of our lives.   This nightmarish round-about would only remind me of the millions of dollars spent to construct it and I am sure I can hear the out of town snowmachiners and boaters laughing under their bearded breaths that Big Lake is undoubtedly one big joke.  If I could only wake up and find out this is a dream . . .

The Pals

Today we celebrated Hatcher’s birthday, but to Hatcher he celebrated his buddy, his pal and foremost his cousin Hinckley’s arrival for a visit.    They were so happy to see each other after their long separation.  All things remain the same, the piano playing, the rolling up in the curtains and the laughing when one chases the other.  All Hatcher’s toys were loved by Hinckley and they took turns with each one they unwrapped.  Awww boys, you two are the best.