While We Were Sleeping

While we were sleeping a few days ago some punks rummaged through Mike’s car and took all his gift cards and his Rayban sunglasses.  It must have happened the same night these punks tried to take our neighbor Chad’s four wheeler out of his pickup.  It was bolted in so they were unsuccessful.    These punks are probably the ones who have been going around Big Lake doing the same stupid thievery stunts that we have been hearing about.  If anyone happens to catch them, would you tell them they are idiots.  They stole Mike’s sunglasses,  but they are prescription.  Dummies.


The Tour

It was just a short drive to drop off some homemade blueberry muffins to a friend.  In that short drive were a plethora of “newnesses” to our little town.  Most strikingly were the new yellow solid double lines on Aero Lane.  Who would even think of passing someone, the road is so short?  Next we see our new Shell gas station with its new roof and siding.  It is moving right along.  Without barely a glance we see the Baby Bear store and wonder what the heck are they doing on the roof??   And then fifteen seconds later we are driving on the soon-to-be roundabout.  It is a heck of a sightseeing drive just for a quick drop off.


Simple is beautiful.  Deb gave me rhubarb from her garden and I cut it up into pieces to freeze.  I adore rhubarb although when I was younger I broke out in hives because we had a lot of it one summer at my Grandma’s house in Delia, Alberta.  Rhubarb’s color is simply striking.   It has been said that butterflies are like self-propelled flowers.  One such blossom landed by my feet in the midst of a rocky, dusty driveway to make my day simply perfect.   Fireweed has shown its prettiness in our yard, such a simple reminder that summer does have an end.   A simple day.  My favorite.

Ripped Rhea

Let me introduce our newest employee, Rhea Styers.  She makes $10 an hour and works for us.  She is universal in her skills and is quick to agree to any task whether it be daunting or simple.  Her hours are flexible – usually she clocks in around 10am or so and works about four or five hours a day.  Rhea had the assignment to move all the building materials from the adjoining land into our storage facility.  It needed to be stacked and orderly.  Rhea has the employee benefit of using the six-wheeler which aided her in this endeavor.  She worked her “buns” off and excelled beyond any superior’s expectations.  Rhea, now referred to as “Ripped Rhea” hand carried much of the wood and managed to move all the bags of shingles (heavy!!!).  If anyone is interested in hiring RR – she is taken.

Resting From My Labors

It is my day of rest.  I have painted when any nice weather moments allow me and I have “ladder legs.”  I’m not sure what “ladder legs” truly are except my legs hurt from going up and down so much so that is what I call them.  Every time I am done painting I shower and really have to scrub to get the gray and ivory off my arms and hands.   No scrubbing today.    My painting clothes are resting too.  I wear the same thing everyday.  Have you ever wondered why painters wear white?  They wear white because when they work outside in the hot sun the white repels the heat.  White is the color most often used – all the oops are hidden on the white clothes.   When the painters on a crew all wear white they are easily seen.   A painter in uniform is more professional.   These are my painting clothes at rest.

Buffalo Burgers

Today was our Chunky Bunny craft day.  We finished our birds.  We worked on old projects.  We scheduled for the remaining months in the year.  We measured our blocks for next month.  We laughed and cajoled with one another.  We met Jan, a new member of our group.  We asked Jan tons of questions so we could get to know her better.   We ate buffalo burgers.  (Vicki’s buffalo)  We ate a piece of mango dessert from Hula Hands.  Drop dead delicious.  I love these days.

Our Charge

“We lighten the loads of others best by helping the Lord strengthen them. That is why the Lord included in our charge to comfort others the command to be His witnesses at all times and in all places.”
—Henry B. Eyring

We had a great RS activity last night and I am so glad I made myself go.  I felt the need to be a steward over the new members in our ward – to welcome and express how grateful we all are to have them.  Some of them came from Willow Ward which is still home to many of our dear friends.  It was good.  They were warm and accepting.  I think we all did our part well and we were great ambassadors.


The Loop

Rhea drove the loop.  The first leg of the journey was from Big Lake to Fairbanks going on the Parks Highway.    Mileage 316 miles.  The second was from Fairbanks to Delta Junction.  Mileage 89 miles.  The last leg was from Ft. Greely back to Big Lake taking the Richardson Highway to the Glenn Highway.  Mileage 320 miles.  So, Rhea listened to a million songs as she drove 725 miles.  We stopped at Paxson Lake so she could see where they put in for her upcoming Gulkana float trip with Bret and the boys.  We both agree that we live in the most beautiful state.

Delta Ball Fields

Next stop – Fort Greely to visit the Bret/Britta gang.  Had some flashback moments as we watched the boys play ball at the same fields we stopped at about twenty-five years ago.     We were with Grandpa and Grandma in their motorhome coming back from Valdez.  I remember it was hot and we stopped to watch some games and the kids played in the dirt. I never would have even imagined Bret living there with two of his boys playing ball in the same fields.  Sometimes in life we just come full circle.

Super Tuesday

Today was an awesome day for:

~driving up the Parks Highway to Fairbanks

~dinner at The Food Factory

~Oaklee smiles that are so big she just about falls over

~snuggles in the chair with Hatcher, reading books and staying up super late

~visiting with Brooke and Devin