Resting From My Labors

It is my day of rest.  I have painted when any nice weather moments allow me and I have “ladder legs.”  I’m not sure what “ladder legs” truly are except my legs hurt from going up and down so much so that is what I call them.  Every time I am done painting I shower and really have to scrub to get the gray and ivory off my arms and hands.   No scrubbing today.    My painting clothes are resting too.  I wear the same thing everyday.  Have you ever wondered why painters wear white?  They wear white because when they work outside in the hot sun the white repels the heat.  White is the color most often used – all the oops are hidden on the white clothes.   When the painters on a crew all wear white they are easily seen.   A painter in uniform is more professional.   These are my painting clothes at rest.

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