Summer Camp

Tank just left for the Jones for a three-day overnight summer camp.  Rhea had him loaded for the trip.  The items in his bag were sleeping blanket, food bowl,  water bowl, premeasured bags of dog food, box of Scooby treats and his leash.  Tank has fallen in love with his Scooby’s so any trip anywhere would be ok with him just so long as he has his favs.  Rhea and I are headed north to Fairbanks and Mike is in Delta thus the reason for Tank’s own adventure.   See you Thursday goofball.


My nursery children and I have our repertoire of stories and activities we do each Sunday.  They all sit on their monkey mats and are learning to listen and participate.  Today I had to shake things up a little.  It wasn’t because they needed the change but I could not bring myself to mention alligators or crocodiles due to the recent tragedy of a two year old boy being attacked in Florida.    The “Crocodaddy” book stayed home and the flannel board story with the alligator and monkeys in a tree remained home.  Their innocent little minds and souls were thankfully unblemished from the tragic reminder we have every day of such a sad event.


The Path To Destruction

The sight of the bread drew us in.  We followed its journey as it passed our table and onto another.  We both then succumbed to its enticement and ordered some for the three of us. Darn that Cadillac and its good food.   The bread was more than divine and ever so sinful.  We doggie bagged three of the pieces and took them home.  As evening approached my thoughts were to warm one up and sprinkle cinnamon sugar on the top.  Mike was having the exact same thoughts and did the exact same thing.   Do we know each other’s thoughts that well or did the bread once again lure us into a terribly seductive predicament?  It doesn’t matter – we succumbed.


The exterior house painting world can be a lonely place but thank goodness for the following:

Pandora and my Mini Bose

Tank and his yellow lead

a visiting bunny coming up the driveway

a squirrel hanging out on the birdfeeder

What would I do without my friends?

A Day At Work

Today was” Hinckley goes to work day”.  It started off with a visit to Ben’s tool trailer which is parked at our house.   It has Toys R Us beat by far according to the little guy.  Hinckley was a huge help in replacing the family room window – it was heavy and tightly embedded in the opening after all these years so the extra muscle was appreciated.  Nothing like a nap in the car after all that work – the boy was all tuckered out.  The day was hot, the tool belts heavy so a nice rest in the shade with Ben finished off his “take a toddler to work day.”    Hinckley has job security for sure.

Trust Me To Do This

I was mowing the lawn and found myself in a bind, a pickle, a predicament, an oops, an oh-oh, a plight, a quandary,  a muddle, a plight and most definitely, a “jam.”  It is one of those moments where you stop and look around to see if anyone is watching you.  It is one of those moments where you find yourself looking around to see if there is anyone that can help you. For posterity’s sake, I chose to record this poo-pah so I snapped a pic.   In about two minutes, every scenario ran through my brain as to how I am going to get myself out of this mess.   In trying too closely to mow around the septic pipes I “rounded” just a little too tightly and caught the septic pipe underneath my “green, mean mowing machine.”  After my initial plundering fog left me I put my head together, unloaded the heavy grass bags from the back and with all my strength I lifted the mower over the pipe.  Once again I looked to see if anyone was looking.  No.  This will never happen again.


A Day With Grammie

Hinckley and I spent the day together.  We played a little basketball, read a few books, watched a few TV shows, went for a walk, took a nap, went to Target, went to Home Depot to get more paint and brushes and then went to McDonalds where he ate a chicken nugget happy meal in the back seat while we waited for Dad.  He was picking up a dead body in Big Lake.  (just happened to be Ian Steed’s father).  All in all, Grammie’ Day Camp #1 went great.


Girl’s Camp 2016

Girl’s Camp 2016.  I ran Rhea up to LaDaSa for a week of girl’s camp.  Aaahhh the memories of cooking for the girls, making Camp songbooks, french braiding their hair, listening to Jill’s crazy stories, making mailboxes out of paint chips from Sherwin Williams, sneaking up treats for the girls,crazy skits, sad farewells and tons of mosquitos and loads of fun.  This year Rhea is a YCL (Youth Camp Leader) and she will make the whole week super fun the girls under her.  Micah is there too as the Camp Leader for her ward.  And me. . . nothing to do for camp this year.  Phew!!!!


The Sabbath

Today is the Sabbath.  There are three reasons we obey the Sabbath Day.  The first is for our physical bodies to rest for our labors all week and renew themselves.  The second is for spiritual regeneration and growth and the third is because it is the fourth commandment.  Thou shalt keep the Sabbath day holy.  When we keep this commandment we show God that we love him.   I am working on making this day a different day than all the rest – Rhea and I have been listening to great uplifting music on our way to church so that is a good start.  I am so grateful for the Sabbath day.  It is a day I look forward to.


Saturday Inventory

So it is now Saturday.  How did we do for the week??

~the front of house got painted (except the top parts)

~my talk on “The Sabbath Day” is done and ready

~the raspberry plants are planted

~Rhea is ready for camp

~the garden boards got painted

~we began digging up below the back windows

~nursery lesson is complete