Bad Seeds

Do you ever have one of those days?  I did.  Today.  I drove in to Anchorage to get Lane from  the airport but left early so I could do some shopping at Costco.  As I got closer to Eagle River the traffic stopped and I feared an accident was ahead.  As we inched our way for about thirty minutes and no accident, I got on my phone and checked the news.  They were doing roadwork and had closed two of the lanes from nine am to three pm.  I could have watched a movie as long as it took me to finally get to highway speed.  I realized I only had a bit of time to get to Costco so I dashed through the building to collect my things and then headed off to the airport.  Incredible as it sounds, Lane and  I got caught in bad, bad traffic right around Chugiak and bumper to bumpered it all the way to the bridges.  I thought it was fair traffic but we soon saw there was an accident.  Get me home!!!  I did finally get home only to find I bought seeded grapes instead of seedless.  Darn!!  What a day.

Yikes! Wind in Big Lake?

And it huffed and it puffed and it blew the tree down.  The wind blew so hard throughout the night the lawn looked like a stick fight had occurred with a fallen tree dividing the teams.  The trees shook off about half of their leaves and the GIAB (garage in a box) moved back fifteen feet.  It howled and it whistled through the open windows of the house while our bedroom door rattled with the gusts all through the night.     As I surveyed the aftermath I was awe struck that the birdhouses were still hanging from their nails – just God’s tender mercy for our feathered friends.


Dear Lisa,

We were sorry we missed you today when we stopped by.  I wanted to hug you and tell you I think you are a wonderful mom.  I wanted to tell you that I know Rye loved you so much.  I shared a quote in my card for you.  It was from Russell M. Nelson and he said, ” We can’t fully appreciate joyful reunions later without tearful separations now.”   I want you to know that I believe in eternal families.  I believe that although overwhelmingly difficult and sad to have Rye gone, you will be reunited into his loving arms.  I know that loving relationships continue on beyond the doors of death.  I have that faith and that reassurance and I hope you do too.  I love you Lisa.



I will never forget those few moments after the shattering news is told.  One call came from Bret when he was at BYU to say Jaxon Logan had died from a puck to the heart.  Another was a call I received that Dillon’s good buddy Patty (David Patterson) had died instantly of a head injury up Hatcher Pass Road.  I had to give Dillon the news.  Today it was Lane, calling from Hoonah to tell us Rye Humphreys had passed away.  In those few seconds you hear it in your boys voices ,that painful part of life that is so misunderstood, that it doesn’t seem right or fair that a close friend is taken so young.  As a mother there isn’t much you can do.    You watch . . . and they grieve and they grow.  They love more too.


Alaskan Love

Within a year’s time span we are back gathered around the dining room table cutting up a moose.  We started by nine and my mid afternoon we were done.   It really helped to have four of us cutting which made the decision to recruit Rhea to the table a wise one.  Most of our portion will go to breakfast sausage and brats.  Bret will take some of our meat to Delta   so we can split a teriyaki stick order.  Mike’s goat hunt is next so I am awaiting another gathering around the table in the not so far future.  This event adds one more line to my book of “Why I Love Where I Live.”

They Are Off

Let the hunt begin, and end, all in one short day.  Bret, Mike and Easton loaded up the four wheeler and six wheeler and set out early, bound to get a moose in the Big Lake area.  Mike drew a cow permit.  They spotted some moose in the wee hours but none seemed quite right for whatever reason.  Then, with a keen eye, Easton quietly showed his Dad a moose close by and Granddaddy’s shot made the kill.   What a team!  Easton is a born hunter.

Us Country Bumpkins

I love the days when I don’t have to leave Big Lake.  I feel cozy in my “hick town” and well suited to just run my few errands and then be home again.  My “country bumpkin” journey begins at the Superstore for a nice cold fountain Diet Pepsi.  The next stop is the Post Office where I shockingly stop dead in my boots to witness a new fixture inside the Post Office door.  We now have a blue official government issued five tiered rack sporting packaging materials for the public to use.  The good news is the boxes are easy to grab, the bad news is a person can’t get the Big Lake scuttlebutt while talking to the ladies at the counter.  My final trail ride ends at the Baby Bear where a deep conversation is ensuing at the checkout counter concerning the high mound at the center of the roundabout.  There is concern as to what the snowmachiners will do with that mound in the winter.   I left the store knowing I will never be a city gal ever again.


10,000 Step Goal

I cleaned, I picked up toys and I laundered all the beds.  I moved around some furniture and swept up all the shavings from the electrical work in the new rooms.  It poured with rain and felt good to stay in to get some needed house chores done.  I tracked my steps and by 2:00 my Fit Bit was doing  a dance.  When I plopped into bed at the end of the day I was pooped but I did manage to get in 12,000 steps.  Nothing feels better than things being clean and fresh and a body that is happily exhausted.


Happy Day

Today was fun.  All the kids called and the messages on Facebook were so good to read.  Old friends left thoughts and I replayed videos the grandkids sent.  I am such a blessed person and am not at all afraid to say I am fifty-seven years alive.

Happy Birthday Grammie, we hope it’s nice and relaxing! 💕💕

Fine Men

It was so great to have Devin help Mike all morning put up the recessed lighting in the new rooms.  It is always appreciated when the boys offer to help out.  We have been blessed with great sons who know how to build and how to work.  They are all hard workers and their employers have told us such.  When we were in Hoonah Gus Skafelstad said that Lane is a fine worker.  Lane has done great commercial fishing and most of that is due to his hard work ethic.  JK compliments our sons all the time – makes me proud.
