
It is ironic how things happen.  I was dusting on the top of my china hutch a few weeks ago and thought of Penny Cross.  I met Penny about twenty years ago through a friend in Willow.  Penny would come to our Relief Society Enrichment nights and we became friends.  She is a beautiful artist and her works are notably admired and bought by many.  As I dusted over my shadow box with my “Eskimo Dollie” in it I thought of Penny.  I remembered how she was giddy with excitement watching me open the brown box that was her surprise for me.  I had always wanted a “dollie” and now I had my own, made just for me.  Penny is a kind, delightful, talented and a genuine hardworking woman.  A few days after my cleaning moment, Penny passed away.  Our dear Penny.

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