Third Time Is A Charm

We got on the plane and fifteen minutes later we landed.  Alfie and Kristi were waiting for us – then a short drive to Chipper Fish for breakfast by Chef Dillon.  Then to the house to visit with Kris and Gus and more Alfie time.  This is the life – the view, the food, the company, the town and the company.  Chipper Fish catered our dinner while fresh King Crab boiled in a pot.  We watched the Olympics into the evening and got to know our little Hoonah baby who by the way is 1/64 Tlinkit and 1/16 Aleut.

Pit Stop

To the gal who isn’t fond of small planes, I have been put through the test and the definite ringer. It started off with our first 10:15 am flight to Hoonah where we landed right back where we started from – Juneau. Then in the afternoon, now on a seaplane with wheels we left again, only to circle around and return for a second time to Juneau. The visibility was poor and the outlook – not so good. We met a guy named Joe from Seattle who came and ate lunch with us while we waited for the final verdict.  No more flights all evening. The good news was we got to go to Mendenhall Glacier and cruise around downtown Juneau all evening.

Hoonah Bound

Juneau today and Hoonah tomorrow.  Mike, Rhea and I get to see Dillon, Kristi, Alfie and hopefully Lane on our five day journey.  Rhea and I stay in Juneau and meet Mike in the morning.  What a cool opportunity to travel to Southeast again and to the hidden treasure of a town called Hoonah.  We anticipate our chow downs at Chipper Fish, snugs with Alfie and more of Hoonah to explore.   Lane’s boat is out to sea but we hope it drifts in just once for us to see the boy.



I realized recently that I love Mondays.  I saw a quote once that said that Mondays are a great day to fix last week’s mistakes.  Maybe that is why I like the day so much.  I grab a piece of cardstock and start my list.  I clean up everything from Sunday.  I wash my nursery cups.  I regroup my week and make plans.  I eat better.  I try and get all my steps in so my Fit Bit dances.  It is a fresh start and a feel good day.  Thanks Monday.



Our nursery is growing, not only in size but in maturity.  We now sit on our “monkey mats” for about twenty minutes.  We put a Book of Mormon puzzle story together.  We listen to books.  We sing songs.  We do silly stories on the magnetic board.  We are learning to say “I’m here,” when the secretary calls our names.  It has been a long process but little by little we are becoming the little three-year-olds that we are to become.  And we will only be getting better.


I Can’t Help It – I Was A Proofreader!

I turned my head a little to the right to glance at the new Shell gas station in Big Lake.  I was not going to the make the “Grand Opening” because of my craft group engagement but I took that quick glance to check out one thing.  You see, last night Mike and I stopped there briefly to check it out and grab a soda when I noticed, to my horror, that the word “liquor” was misspelled on the outside wall.  Mike says I am the only one in the whole wide world that would have noticed that it was wrong but it needed to be fixed.  I told the gal sweeping the floor about it and she was shocked.  She called the sign guy right away and he must have fixed it because during my “drive by” this morning all was calm and correct.



It is ironic how things happen.  I was dusting on the top of my china hutch a few weeks ago and thought of Penny Cross.  I met Penny about twenty years ago through a friend in Willow.  Penny would come to our Relief Society Enrichment nights and we became friends.  She is a beautiful artist and her works are notably admired and bought by many.  As I dusted over my shadow box with my “Eskimo Dollie” in it I thought of Penny.  I remembered how she was giddy with excitement watching me open the brown box that was her surprise for me.  I had always wanted a “dollie” and now I had my own, made just for me.  Penny is a kind, delightful, talented and a genuine hardworking woman.  A few days after my cleaning moment, Penny passed away.  Our dear Penny.


Mike and Rhea are home.  Suki is banned from the bedroom. Tank has relocated for his nighttime sleep to Rhea’s room.  My parking spot changed.  The fan is on. Rhea has computer boxes and packages everywhere because her new computer came.   I only get half the bed.  I don’t hear the clocks tick anymore.  I have to wear my headphones when I watch Netflix.  The house isn’t as neat.  There are more dishes.  I can’t sit in the big chair anymore.  I have to fix dinner again.  The good news is – we are a family again.


My Choice

“You have a choice. You can wring your hands and be consumed with concern for the future or choose to use the counsel the Lord has given to live with peace and happiness in a world awash with evil. If you choose to concentrate on the dark side, this is what you will see.”—Richard G. Scott.   Sometimes when I listen to the news, or I scan through Facebook I shudder at some of things that I hear and see.  I like normal.  I like good.  I like morals.  I choose to be happy and to see life for all the goodness that it brings me.  Nothing makes me happier than to see my sweet little grandchildren in all their purity and goodness – then I smile and turn away from the world.

One Step

“If today you are a little bit better than you were, then that’s enough. And if tomorrow you are a little bit better than you were today, then that’s enough.” ―David A Bednar.  I counseled a friend today with this sentiment.  Every day I offer some words of encouragement and comfort.  I have always been blessed with great friends but not “trouble free” friends.  One of my earliest friends was Michelle Horseman.  She was an epileptic and lived a “hippie like” environment with her mother.  I loved them both dearly.   Angela Symchych was another friend who struggled with suicide thoughts and drugs.  Another friend suffered the wrath of sexual abuse.  My grownup friends have been saddened with divorce, substance abuse and family disharmony.   All but one, (Angela passed away), have been survivors.  Let’s be so grateful for the day that greets us and for those lives that we have lifted just a little so we all can become better people, day by day.
