Red and Brown Tones

I found myself in the midst of a group of women where the question was asked, “What is your favorite color?” and some of the women could not come up with an answer.  I jokingly said, “Come on, find your passion, you have to have a color you like?     Perhaps I have too many passions or loves.  I took a picture of a leaf on my lawn – I was enthralled with the fact that a leaf turned color and dropped the first week of August.  I love to mow the lawn, more than a person really should.  I love popcorn – yup with fresh butter and salt.  I have a passion for organizing although I “back burnered” some rooms until after the remodel is done.  I despise painting but passionately love the look after it is done.  And so . . .I still am perplexed that someone can’t say what their favorite color is.  Seems so simple with a color palette that is zealously inviting.