Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!  We had just one trick-or-treater at our door.  When we used to live on Scott AFB we had over a hundred children and I loved it.  At least we had one.  He was our little neighbor around the corner, a little native boy and his dog Ola (Tank’s little friend.)  What made up for the lack of trick or treaters were the fabulous pictures of our grandkids all around the State and in Idaho.  Starting in Hoonah, Alfie was a pumpkin.  Up to Fairbanks, Hatcher was a dinosaur and Oaklee a gumball machine.  Over to Delta, Easton was a Desert Storm Trooper,  Brecken was a Knight and Paige was our Snow White.  Back here to Wasilla, “Russell” (Hinckley) came knocking at our door.  Down in Idaho, Blaze was a shark and Maverick rounded us out as a gumball machine.  Who wore it best????  Grammie votes them all!

Sums It Up

Sundays.  Sleep in a little.  Church day.  Sing hymns. Inspiration. Visit with friends.    Nursery children.  Dinner with the family.  Dessert.  Hanging out together.  Facetimes.  Phonecalls.  Relaxation.  Week planning.  Grandkids.  Toys.  And on a great great Sunday Hinckley finds what entertains him the most – watching a movie with Granddaddy wearing the Bose headphones.


Pumpkin Man

Once again, Andy Williams was heard serenading on my kitchen TV as the Christmas Hallmark movies have been playing all day.  “It’s the most favorite time of the year.”   I know it isn’t Halloween yet BUT in order to get some Christmas gifts/crafts done this is the best way to get the motivation and get in the festive mood.  Tonight my goal was to get my seven sets of snowmen done which I did.  I parked myself on my stool in the kitchen, with my Ott light overhead and the Hallmark Christmas Channel as my backdrop and there was no stopping until every last glitter got stuck.  I had to have my pumpkin man in the midst of my picture so the world will know I haven’t forgotten nor misplaced Halloween.


Pumpkin Day

It was a pumpkin day today.  It started off with a picture of little pumpkin “Mav” followed by the greatest pumpkin aroma smell as I walked into the house when I got home after lunch.   Rhea and Hinckley were hard at chiseling their masterpiece pumpkins and then Micah made us moist, yummy pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.  At this point my blood type is pumpkin spice.

Any Time Of Year

Where is it written you need to receive your birthday gifts on your birthday?  Isn’t the true element of surprise when you receive it two months late?  Doesn’t the confused face of the person holding the gift bag say it all?  Mine sure did.  Actually I wondered what I had done to receive such a pretty bag – my mind retraced through the last month or so trying to remember what good deeds I may have done to be the happy recipient.  I carried my treasure home to open up the most wonderful array of surprises.  My favorite was a dainty bracelet in a little box from Sundance (Robert Redford’s company.)    Thank you dear friend for the gifts and most especially the surprise.


November Madness

What prompts us to go “mad?”  I am not talking about an anger, an emotion or a deranged state I am talking about the good “mad.”  The good “mad” is the impulsive, energetic , enthusiastic mood that moves us to do great things.  I went mad today and formulated in my mind the month of November which has been renamed as “November Madness.”  The madness hit me today only after I found out Scott and Keith are coming for Christmas and after my phonecall from the Stake Relief Society asking me to be the Chairman for the craft section at Women’s Conference in February.  So now, I have to get my butt in gear and finish all my homemade Christmas decor (mostly for the girls) and I have to get the family room painted and finished.  I’m so “mad” and happy about it.


Life Is Good

It is every person’s duty to give back to society as much as they can- in fact it is a joy.  I am amazed at the countless hours people put into activities such as hockey, scouting etc.  All of their efforts have benefited our family.    I see the pendulum swinging another way now as our grown children are now giving back.    Lane and Bret both help to coach youth hockey.  Dillon is serving on the School Board in Hoonah.  The girls have make countless meals to those in need and offer child care as well.  It is a joy.  Perhaps Sir Winston Churchill said it best. “You make a living by what you get.  You make a living by what you give.”


My Perfect Calling

 My heart was happy today to see one of my little nursery guys on Facebook loving yesterday’s pumpkin activity at home.  Just because it is the nursery doesn’t mean we can’t do a little learning along the way.  McKesson is one of the oldest in the class so I have to find activities that are a little more challenging to satisfy his mind and body.  I hit up Walmart and bought out their dollar cookie sheets.  I use them for their activities so the magnet pieces stay in place.   We are also learning about Lehi and his family leaving the wilderness.  I have hand figures to help out with our story.  It is so easy to love the little children.

“Sister Tara Lee Styers thank you for the fun pumpkin game. We love it!”


Old friends stopped into church to say hello.  I didn’t realize how much I missed them until I saw them again.  We first met Kerry and Sheri Burr about fifteen years when they first made their move up to Alaska.  I remember going to their motor home parked at the RV park in Houston to see what they needed.  They were happy and content although the kids looked scared to death with their new adventure.  They lived in it for awhile until they moved into their home.  Our kids grew up together.  Sheri taught the girls piano and Kerry was our Hometeacher.  He then became our Bishop.   Someone once said, “It is a nice thought that our roots will always be tangled.  I’m glad for that.”


We Downed The Pig Cake

Craft day rolls around faster than a toupee in a hurricane.  Not only do we admit it comes quickly but today Rhea said, “It is craft day again?”   We are a group of seven women, all over fifty-five who are spontaneous, creative, funny, crafty and original.  We do our own thing but we do it all together and we impress each other with our masterpieces.  We encourage, support, teach, demonstrate and truly love each other’s company.  As the quote says ” may your feet take you where your heart wants to go.” They sure did. October Craft Day 2016. It was fabulous, heart warming and we ate way too much dessert! #63daystillchristmas
