
It was Blaze’s day to choose our outing so we went to McDonalds so he could show Grammie the new light up tables.  We ate our lunch and Blaze played in the Playland while Maverick’s little bum moved across the table and made the lights change color.  It made me think back to 1967 when the first McDonalds in Canada opened in Richmond, B.C.  We moved their shortly after that but the novelty of the burger and fries hadn’t even worn off by then.  We didn’t even care what the tables or chairs looked like, we just wanted the hamburger and the fries.  These pics are then and now.

Ultra Soft

Blaze and I were the first to go downstairs so I thought I would get started by doing a small load of laundry.  I asked Blaze where Mommy kept the laundry detergent and he said it was the blue bottle on the shelf.  He must have been mistaken because that was the fabric softener.  I looked everywhere for a large tub or container and finally headed upstairs and asked Kyla where she kept it.  She said it was the blue bottle on the shelf.  This is where we freeze frame for about five minutes as Kyla is absorbing the reality of the situation realizing that perhaps she had been using fabric softener for the past month.  She had.  Actually her and Sam specifically picked out the “steal of a deal” double bottle ensemble at Sam’s Club loving their choice and savings.  After miles and miles of laughter Kyla said, “Yes, Mom, you can blog about this.”  By the way, her towels were ever so soft.



It was not like most Sabbath Days but a grateful one at that.  It was a long but good ride on the Salt Lake Express, a happy reunion with Blaze and Maverick, a tour of Kyla’s condo, a good look and overview of her living room ready for the redo, dinner with Kali and pictures  to rub it in a little for Rhea and an evening of lists and planning.  It is going to be a busy one!!!

We Have To Wrap It Up

We only worked a half day since we had family coming over for dinner. Dad talked to his brother Kent, Miles Primrose again, cousin Sylvia and Joyce who lives in Kitimat, British Columbia and is my Grandpa Frank Allan’s daughter. Her and I emailed information back and forth which is a cool connection after all these years.   I recorded more stories and had Melba record the story when they were married and President Kimball was to perform the ceremony.   I never knew that Alma and Asenath Walser were good friends with Spencer and Camilla Kimball. I think Russell M. Nelson said it best, “ when our hearts turn to our ancestors, something changes inside us. We feel part of something greater.”


The Same Laugh

Dad came down with a cold and wasn’t feeling well so we didn’t do too much in the morning. I laid on the bed for a bit and we talked while Melba got him his hot lemon water. After lunch we found ourselves at the table again this time searching for “The Vinetta Prince.” That was the boat he fished on for a year which was owned by the Prince Brothers. We have lots of pictures of “The Violet Prince,” but not the actual boat. We both had our computers going, ficiously searching for some image. We went through every boat on the Western Fishing Boat sight but to no avail so we took a break. I was reading Dad a few things from an email and suddenly we broke into laughter. We laughed so hard, the silent laugh when only breath sounds are heard, when I realized we laughed the same. We laughed because we laughed which finished off another great productive and fun day.

Miles Primrose – I Love That Name

Dad and I got to work right away with his “life story.” I gathered everything we needed at the kitchen table and we had the most fun. He called old friends, we went through pictures, I read him the stories I had transcribed from his previous recordings, we made a few corrections and we called in Melba when we needed a bit of direction. I emailed some people and recorded Dad and Miles Primrose, an old grade school friend, having the most delightful conversation. Neither one could hear each other well when it came to sharing email addresses but one thing is for sure, Dad made darn sure Miles knew his daughter was putting together his life story. Dad reassured him he would get a copy of the book.


Gordon Head, British Columbia, Canada


A Bit Of Heaven

Dad and Melba picked me up at the airport and we went to the Cheesecake Factory in Salt Lake City at the City Creek Center. The ambience was what made the beautiful, large elegant restaurant so appealing although I had to offer my phone light so Dad could read the menu.    The food was divine, we just ate half of our sandwiches so we could indulge in some cheesecake.  Dad and I had the raspberry vanilla cake, creamy lemon cheesecake with raspberry lady fingers and lemon mousse. We walked out with our little doggy bags, content and happy and I can now proudly say, “I ate at the Cheesecake Factory!”


Drip. Drip.

I noticed our water pressure was down again so I sent Mike a little text saying I think the holding tank might be acting up again.  He came and checked things out but to no avail.  It could be a bigger problem.  Could a pipe be frozen?  Could the pump be going bad?  Could the well have gone dry?  All of these questions and all I need is a shower and a load of whites to be done because I fly out in the morning.  Hey Galene, I’m coming over.


Happy Birthday

One of the best nights of the year.  Our craft group met at the Palmer Ale House for an awesome dinner, laughter and the sharing of gifts.  We draw names in December and then buy for the person we get, so our birthdays are all celebrated and enjoyed.  I just happened to have Vicki  (my one and only FBI friend) choose my name again for the second year in a row and I was adorned with a plethora of my favorite Pioneer Women kitchen utensils.  We know each other all too well!!



I always eat my cereal and my soup with a big spoon.  Some people use a small spoon.  I have often wondered which is appropriate and/or proper so I did a little research.  The dichotomy of a spoon varies with every site you go to.  I read through many and pondered the posts that followed.  After a twenty-minute research moment the jury is still out on a definitive decision but  I did conclude that I am eating three times as much with my tablespoon as the teaspoon.  So, the cereal and/or soup goes in with more quantity and enjoyment.  Everyone might want to try it.
