A Great Grati Tuesday

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”
― Rabindranath Tagore

After my morning walk with friends I met Micah and took Hinckley shopping while she had an appointment.  From there I went to Deb’s house, picked her up and drove her to Anchorage to grab her truck from the airport.   I got home late in the afternoon, ready to fix dinner and attend to my forgotten chores of the day.  To anyone who is down and out, go do something for someone.  You will meet joy.


Desktop Cutie

My desktop image rotates every few weeks.  Most of the photos are of my grandchildren and I put them up just randomly.  Alfie had a little photo shoot a few weeks ago and Kristi put a number of pictures on display on Facebook.  This is the one I chose for my desktop image.  I get to see her chubby little cheeks and chubby arms every time I power up my screen.  Last week I had the Houston Hockey Team as my photo but those sad looking, sweaty faces of defeat were just getting a little much for me.  I am not used to seeing Rhea with out a smile.  Alfie suits me just fine.


Poldark County

Mike drove home from Kenai, stayed for four hours and then drove back to Kenai.  His main reason for coming home was to grab his meds and get clean clothes due to the unexpected length of his work trip.    In the midst of the four hour hiatus Mike arranged for him and I to go to Arizona the end of March and also got tickets for Kyla and the boys to meet us there.  This is awesome.  Maybe Mike should have short home layovers more often  so I can weasel a trip to Cornwall, England out of him next.

Then Sings My Soul

The long awaited Women’s Conference Day has arrived.  It was over two months ago I was asked to do the craft for today and finally it happened.  I prepared fifty-nine sets of spindles, bases, knobs, rectangles and assorted patterned paper with “Then Sings My Soul” printed on each.  The day was great, the craft was liked and the turnout was awesome.  When I wasn’t doing my two classes I was in the kitchen helping Deb with her food assignments for breakfast and lunch.  It was a long day and now, my feet are propped and will stay that way all night long.


Britta Styers Photography

When you mix a darling girl with a talented photographer you get these photos.  I bought Oaklee that dress and shoes a long time ago and Britta had the book that matched.  Oaklee loved sitting in the chair and Britta captured her sweetness in each photo.  I am so proud of my girls for working on their talents and perfecting their skills.  We of course get to reap all the rewards for their hard working efforts.  Keep the photos coming Britta.

Please Stay

 We have some beautiful, long sculptured icicles this year.  They are exquisitely formed into masterpieces of icy cones.  Why so many this year?  I looked up my answer.

‘Icicles typically form on days when the outdoor air temperature is subfreezing but sunshine warms and melts some snow or ice. As it drips off your roof, a water droplet freezes when it loses its heat to the cold air.  An icicle starts with a few frozen droplets. When it reaches a certain size, drops begin to drip along the side of the structure’.  “The water will run down the sides of the formation evenly in a thin film and freeze on the way down,” said University of Arizona physicist Martin Short, another member of the study team. “This sort of freezing, thin film of water is what leads to the eventual icicle shape.”


The Mini Hauler

I am not a pick up truck.  I am a Mini-Cooper that has to act like one though.  We have four vehicles that work great but believe it or not my car can carry the longest boards.  I think that eight feet is my limit so when Mike suggested that I pick up some gutters I had no worries.  That was until I bought them and took them to my car and they hung out two feet.  I always have this feeling that the security cameras are recording my dumbness so I always pretend to act cool like I knew they were going to be two feet longer than my car.  I efficiently rolled down the passenger window, stuck the gutters through the window and rolled it up part way.  I looked like an idiot driving home but felt like the smartest gal around.  Who needs a pick up truck?  Not I.


Oh Jill

If the funny stories in our lives aren’t written down we might just forget them one day.  I love to throw this old favorite out there when we are in a group because it is a classic and I can always hear the words, “that sounds like Jill”after I tell it.  Quite a long time ago Jill met Deb and I in Eagle River so she could then take us to her “treasure places” to find great deals.  Jill hopped in our car and off we went exploring.  After a few hours of shopping we drove back to the Fred Meyer parking and waited patiently while Jill searched and searched her bag for her keys.  I finally got out and told her I would see if they fell on the ground or if she maybe had locked them in her car.  I opened my door and froze.  Her car was still running.  I turned and told Jill.  Her first words after a gut wrenching episode of laughter were, “Please don’t tell Leland thatI burned up two hours of gas.!”  We have laughed about this for about ten years now and yeah, that sounds like Jill.  Gotta love her.


I Knew It

Thank you Brooke for sharing my ideals and thoughts in print.  This truth has now been put out into social media and we can ALL delight in knowing that Alaska is where residents feel most content.  Locals in “the last frontier” share the strongest sense of purpose in the nation, and they rank among the top three states for their collective feelings of financial security, community pride and good health, landing Alaska at No. 1 on the latest Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index for American states. In many ways, we are not surprised to learn that Alaska tops this list,” said Albert Wall, director of the Alaska Division of Behavioral Health.  Although we have our share of problems common to other states in the nation, almost all Alaskans live here by choice — for our beautiful surroundings, our sense of freedom and individuality, and our close ties with the land.”  Woo hoo!!  I am happy.

Just Me

I prefer:

Best Foods Mayonnaise over Miracle Whip

Crunchy peanut butter over smooth peanut butter

Toasted bread over non-toasted

Driving with no music than music

Walking with friends than walking alone

Cats over dogs.

Quiet vs. noise

No reason for the list, I just thought it would be good

 to make it.  Just saying.
