Welcome Friends

“Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”  This is one of my favorite scriptures and was reminded of that as I passed this in Grandma’s hallway.   In 1988 when cross stitch was big, I made this and had it framed for her.   That scripture must have resonated through me as I spent all those hours stitching,  a good verse and one worthy of remembering.


Heavy Load

Holy moly what a huge grapefruit and right off of Grandma’s tree here in Arizona.  I had to get an orange to put next it to it just to show how big and crazy it is, (and the orange is big too).  It kind of throws everything off when a grapefruit is this big.  It would be way more calories per serving. On the pregnancy app when it tells you your baby is the size of a grapefruit don’t go by this grapefruit.   If I were to put this in my fruit basket it would be my fruit basket. . . big is good but this might be too big.


Here Comes The Sun

One of our favorite things about Arizona is seeing GG and of course our pool time.  We loaded up the golf cart:  noodles, towels, suntan lotion, blow up toys, keys and headed off for our afternoon sun, bake and fun.   The kids had a blast except for the one sad thing  when Maverick’s eyes puffed up and watered because he was allergic to the baby sunscreen.

Right Off The Tree

I have been on a bit of an orange kick lately.  Perhaps it is the sweetness after a long cold winter or the drippy drops of citrus after just eating apples.  To my delight Grandma has a box of oranges outside the back door that needed a home and I gladly indulged.  One orange a day and a few stuffed in my suitcase early next week will meet my desire for Vitamin C and lots of pulpy flesh in the weeks to come.


Pesky Cat Hair

I wonder what this picture means?

~Suki is sad we are leaving in the morning for Arizona.

~Suki is pretending she is sad when really there will be a party going on at our house.

~Suki is hoping I will take her with us?

~”Please don’t forget my food while you are gone.”

When all is said and done Suki left a nice layer of hair for me on my suitcase!  Ugh. . .

bye bye cat.


My Beautiful Girls

“Mirror, mirror on the wall. . .It does not matter if I’m short or tall. . . If I have skinny legs or my hips are wide. . . It only matters who I am inside. . . Blue eyes, brown eyes, black or green. . . What makes me most beautiful cannot be seen. . . When you look at me, don’t judge me by my parts. . . The most beautiful thing about me is my heart. ”  I want my daughters to know that what I see in them first is what is inside them.   Their giving hearts, their kindness and their good works come before anything that is seen on the outside.   I love my girls.



It was so great to have Lane to run the Skidsteer today and clean up the piles of snow.  With break-up coming soon we had to get them moved so we didn’t have water running down to the house.  Lane is proficient and competent when he works and in no way do I blame him for the mishap.  Oops.  One little tap and with the cold weather and the old rusty pipe our trusty basketball hoop toppled over.    Twenty years and down.


Seattle Bound

Eleven us of close “oldies” met together at Evangelos to say goodbye to Claudia who is moving at the end of the month.  Claudia has lived in Alaska for fifty-six years and has been a wonderful friend for twenty-five of those.  She was my neighbor, my mentor, my friend, my visiting teacher, my confidante, my mother, my teacher and my sounding board.  She is now off to live in Seattle where she can be near her daughter Jessica and grandsons.  Claudia, you deserve all the happiness a woman can hold.  I love you.


My friend Taffy uses the most descriptive words when talking.  We craft together and I know exactly what she means by the terms she uses.  I made a short list of some of them:  pop, bling, splash, moves me, bumps it and pulls it in.  Who needs long English wordy descriptions when you have these and you know exactly what they mean?   When I hold up something I have made and she says it needs more bling – I get more bling.  Case closed.


Taffy is on the right.