My Kind Of Bakery

 As I approached the check stands at Costco my push was slow and my cart heavy.  I was filled with 25 lb bags of flour and sugar and boxes of butter stuck in between.  I had my workout just arriving to that point but wanted to get it paid for and loaded.  The lady that checked me out asked me if I owned a bakery.  I smiled a half grin and told her that I didn’t.  As I turned to muster up the energy to push my goods out the door I thought to myself, “No, I don’t own a bakery but I AM a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and we do what we do to move the work forward and better ourselves.”  I was satisfied and happy and away my bakery goods and I went, ready to put together all the dry mixes for Trek.


Buffy, Bossy and Skippy

The three amigos, the buds, the Room 7 babes have just had their last lunch rendezvous at Cadillac.  My two great friends have given me a lot of laughter over the years but now Corinne is heading down to Montana for a new chapter of her life.  I will still have Peggy around although they are now spending about half the year out of state as well.  I was down in my guest room the other day doing something and I saw the picture of us as nuns and I laughed out loud.  Those laughs are just the best and so are these two.



Flower Planting Day

I am the lucky one who gets all my flowers planted by my awesome daughter who likes to get her hands in the dirt.  I, on the other hand, would prefer to get the pots out, buy the soil, purchase the flowers and then push Hinckley in the swing.  I admire people that like to garden, like Micah Dahl,  Lisa Humphreys, Galene Grover and many others.  Just not my cup of tea but I am glad it is hers.  I can water though.

On Our Way

“If you feel too spiritually maimed to come to the feast, please realize that the Church is not a monastery for perfect people, though all of us ought to be striving on the road to godliness. No, at least one aspect of the Church is more like a hospital or an aid station, provided for those who are ill and want to get well.”  Thank you Elder Holland for reminding us about this.  We need to walk together on our journey, not ahead.




All I did was offer a subtle suggestion that we swing by Mini Cooper to look at the four door, Pebble White Mini after picking Mike up at the airport early this morning.  We had, after all, a little time before Costco opened.  Need I say more but we got home at five o’clock sporting my new baby.  She is a beauty and so technologically advanced.  My stripes will be forthcoming, probably in a few weeks, or I guess when I earn them.  Alright grandkids – I have room for you now.


Tie Them Up

I found myself telling Micah for the second time in a week that I was “tying up lose ends” when she asked me what I was doing that day.  What does that really mean?  Don’t you sometimes just need a day to do all the little, nitpicky things that don’t take long but are just hard to get done.  For instance, calling the doctor to make an appointment, writing a thank you note, catching up on my blog (a biggee sometimes) or wiping the grandchildren fingerprints off the little windows by the front door.  Or, finding out what this phrase really means.  I did that today too.

” The ends here are almost certainly those of rigging ropes on a sailing ship. There were many such ropes associated with the sails and the ends were tightly bound to prevent them unravelling. One consequence of this was that when there was little else to do the Captain would order his men to check the ropes and repair any of those with loose ends. Hence, if one is at loose ends then there is not much of anything to be done; life is a little dull and boring.”



Today was Suki’s last day with us.  It was her time.  What a great cat she has been.  I have had her about ten years.  She cuddled well,  She loved me.  She left her hair everywhere.   She was picky about her food.  She meowed at our door when she really wanted me.  She was my lap cat.  She kept me company.  She warmed me up.  She was very calm in the end and let me take her out of her cat kennel.  She seemed to know it was time.  She was old.  She had a good life.  I will always miss ya girl.

Beluga Way

Left at seven am for a quick trip to Kenai to meet up with Mike.  It poured with rain the entire way and all the way back but it was the most beautiful drive.  I don’t often head south so the entire scenic wonder was awesome.  It is so green and lush.  I was flying in the rain and passed a number of semis.  It was four hours there, one hour for lunch and four hours back.  The Kenai river was the most captivating blue/green color, unfortunately my drive-by photo shoot didn’t capture it enough.

Bad Shopper

Let’s be honest here, I don’t always put my shopping cart in the designated spot.  I try to and sometimes I am so good and noble and walk a long distance to do so.  Other times I am busy, or maybe lazy and I leave the cart by my car.  I am very happy when a young cart man comes along and offers to grab my cart.  In those instances I am guilt free.  It really isn’t a big deal and I don’t know why I don’t recommit myself to the worthy goal of putting my cart away for one whole year.  And now, it is in writing. . .hold me to it.


Scalp Massages Rock

What makes me happy?  These things make me happy:  summer in Alaska, planted flowers, thank you’s from people, a new phone case, change, Panda Express, the first sip of a Diet Pepsi, a good book, finishing my walk up hills, when Tank sleeps all night without barking, a clean house, finishing my story for my writing class, my nursery bags all packed and ready, freshly washed hair, a pedi, when Mariah massages my scalp during my hair appointment and all nine of the most wonderful, good-looking grandchildren a grammie could ask for.
