All Aboard

Years ago we used to go to Alaska Land, now it is Pioneer Park.  It brought back a lot of memories just walking through the entrance.     The train ride was fun, we went on the Carousel, played on the swings and Devin and Rhea went miniature golfing.  For dinner we hit up the Cookie Jar . . .a full, fun Fairbanks day.


On To Uncle Poopy’s

Little Remi was so perfect, sweet and quiet as her Daddy blessed her in church with Grandpa Peach standing in.  What a beautiful blessing and it was such an awesome thing to have her great grandpa there.  We had such a great Delta trip but our traveling party had to move on to Fairbanks where Hatcher and Oaklee warmly greeted us.  Our evening walk down to the Chena River was perfect! It wasn’t the “better walk” as Hatcher calls it but it suited us just fine.


Rika’s Roadhouse

We greeted the day with breakfast prepared by myself, Micah and Kyla.  We had moose Country Breakfast Pie, a freshly cut-up fruit salad, blueberry and banana nut muffins.   We headed to Rika’s Roadhouse where we toured and walked the grounds.  Britta took our pictures while the kids fed the animals.  Bret and Easton took Kyla and Blaze fishing while the rest of us played in the bounce house back on base.  Nothing like a little Buffalo’s for dinner as we watched the rain come pouring down.


Delta Welcomes the Allans

And the traveling party heads north.  .  . to Fort Greeley where we met up with the Peaches.  We visited and then headed to the Clearwater Lodge for an amazing dinner overlooking the Clearwater River.  On to the Deltana Fair which was so much fun.  Nothing shows our adventure better than a picture display.



What is crazier than seeing a bunch of crazy animals in the Anchorage Zoo?   It is stopping by the temple to take some pictures and while loading up the kids in the car  noticing the truck next to me.  I notice his license plate and then I look at my car and see that it is one digit off from mine.    What are the chances?  What is the likelihood of me even noticing this?  This is freaky, freakin unbelievable and just plain crazy.   Oh yeah, the zoo was crazy fun too.





Lounge Day

After a few longs days of playing, driving and shopping it was time for a little down time at Grammies.  Of course Grammie is equipped many toys, blow up swimming pools with balls, ride on toys, a playhouse, a blow up house and best of all a nice grassy hill to roll down on.

I Love My Daughter-In-Laws

We had the best lunch dates ever.  Kristi and Alfie were in town so we met up at The Pizza Man in Eagle River where we ate and enjoyed one another’s company.  Alfie and Maverick got to know one another and the boys loved to eat their pizza side by side.  Alfie is adorable.  After lunch we headed out to valley where the kids enjoyed the Extreme Fun Center for a few hours of extreme fun.

Gotta Hit Up Target Day #2

Maverick did a lot of exploring and found that Grammie has a great cupboard.  All he had to do was pull out my bin of lids and crawl right in.  We headed off to Kyla’s dream store, the Wasilla Target and Blaze and Hinckley became walking pals.  Kyla planned a July 24th Pioneer/Red, White and Blue Celebration with Sunshine, Josh and Shari coming to share in the festivities.  The kids had fun out in the yard and the evening was topped off with Micah’s red/white/blue trifle extravaganza.  The day was full and fun.

The Day Is Finally Here

Let the party begin.  Kyla, Blaze and Maverick flew into Anchorage and we all gathered for our first dinner together.  Blaze and Hinckley got acquainted and Maverick smiled at his Rhea.  Micah made a beautiful chicken pot pie that we devoured very quickly.  We did a little planning for the upcoming week and our little jet-lag boys went to bed.  Here we go!!!!!

Now I Know How It Feels

Let me set the scene.  I am the only white girl in a room of Tongans.  I am the only one in attendance at the temple for the bride.  I am the only one taking pictures besides the photographer.  I get to the reception where there is a room full of Tongans and Samoans. I am still the only white girl.   Feeling good I went.