A Great Place To Be

A beautiful evening with some beautiful ladies at a beautiful place.  ” Each temple stands as a beacon to the world, an expression of our testimony that God, our Eternal Father, lives, that He desires to bless us and, indeed, to bless His sons and daughters of all generations.”

—Thomas S. Monson

Get It Right Folks

Whenever I say I have a pet peeve I think people roll their eyes but I know I probably have a lot of pet peeves but this one is legitimate.  I love Netflix shows and that is my evening treat when the day is done and my list complete.  Why can’t they ever fill the coffee cups in a show or movie so they look full at least?   The actors walk around carrying the coffee cup and flipping it around like it is a feather when in reality it should be filled with hot coffee.  They take sips so quickly when it really is suppose to be HOT.  They spend millions making these movies and they just can’t get that little thing right.  Just saying . . . it is my pet peeve.   Trust me, watch next time.



Tokyo Bound

When you have to have a meeting the best way is to go to dinner.  The decor is nice, the company is great, the booth is cozy,  your Diet Pepsi’s get refilled quickly and the food is fabulous.  We decided to go to Tokyo to have our presidency meeting and it was sooooooo good.  We talked, we munched, we concluded and then repeated that process over and over again.  Now, that is my kind of meeting and I can’t wait for our next culinary adventure or maybe Tokyo again – the sweet and sour chicken was my favorite.



We hit up Crema this morning, a brand new coffee house in Wasilla.  Of course we don’t drink coffee but the decor was so inviting and the sound of sitting around at small tables  sipping, talking and partaking was what intrigued us.  And that we did.  I had an oatmeal muffin which was good, Deb had a hot chocolate and pastry.    The embience was perfect for us to sit and go over Christmas ideas for Super Saturday.  By eight o’clock the place was hopping with business – good to know we hit up the hub of a Monday morning social gathering.


Holding On To Hope

I attended an excellent fireside put on by the Stake Relief Society Presidency this evening.  It was raw, real and so inspirational.  We heard messages about depression, feeling lonely, debilitating illnesses, divorce and overcoming mistakes in life . . . and yes we felt the hope in every single talk.  As with many meetings I so wished that those that truly needed it had attended.  We were so uplifted.   In Ether 12:4 we read, “Hope comes of faith and taketh an anchor to the soul.”


Our Yield

The crop has been harvested.  One raspberry was handed to me while the other one was popped into Rhea’s mouth.  The way I look at it, the raspberry bushes didn’t die.  I am trying to see the glass half full instead of the glass half empty.  Last year we planted about twelve spindly stems that Donna Victors gave us and I would say that maybe over half have taken root and are working on thriving.  I think next year we need to offer a little tender loving care to our crop and double the harvest.



What A Greeting

There is a mystical presence about morning fog hovering on the roadway.  Fall is surely on its way with the temperature dipping to a brisk forty-seven degrees on my early morning drive.  The leaves are turning, the hunters are preparing and this presentation of beauty makes me love this season even more.  Thank you God.


We had a great “Apple Night” as our Relief Society activity.  I tried my hand at making red chocolate dipped oreo cookies that I turned into our centerpieces.  We had about twenty-five to thirty women in attendance and it was a great night.  We learned about dehydrating apples, making apple snacks for kids, an awesome smelling popourri on the stove, a great lesson about Christ being our ultimate teacher and we finished off with the most delicious apple desserts and salads.  Then we crafted.


Happy Birthday Tara

Today is the big fifty-eight.  I remember back when I had Rhea and I was thinking that when she turned eighteen I would be so old.  Ha ha.  Well, here I am and I am not feeling so old right now.  My well wishes on Facebook were incredible, even back to a missionary that served here many years ago.   I was able to talk to every one of my children today and that was by far the best treat of all (except Lane who was way out on a boat.)  So, you old lady,  push on – you have many years to come.


Pots of Happy

I always admire people that bring beauty to the plain.  How stunning is this view of the side of our Post Office?   A good friend once told me that if she lived in a cabin with a wood floor she would keep it the cleanest wood floor there was.   We don’t need the finest, nor the newest to make something appealing and Godlike.  I don’t know who did this wall of sunshine but I appreciate it every time I pull in.
