I Really Love Fall

Today has the makings of a wonderful day.  There is a crispness in the air and a rust colored sweater may be what I wear. The rain has stopped and the sun may peek through the clouds.   I have monkey bread in the oven as is our tradition every Conference weekend.  Conference has began and that brings a spirit of hope and revelation into our home.  I need to choose a talk for my lesson next week which keeps me more in tune and reflective on the things the sisters will need to hear about.  All in all  it is a day I love.




Sometimes I am just smarter than the average bear.  I opened up my Halloween bins ready to get my decor up when I found two little incredibly cute outfits.  I had forgotten that last year I hit up the ninety percent after Halloween sale at Target and bought these for a couple of dollars each.  Oaklee and Alfie are going to look so cute as the bearer of my gifts which makes me a “nice” Grammie and that makes me smart.  And a smart Grammie also adds something in the box for the siblings too.


Callahan Jack

Callahan Jack ~ happy birthday big boy. 🎈 September 27th, 2017 • 10 lbs 7 oz.  Here he is, Grandbaby number eleven, with lips, cheeks and all the sweetness we need.

Due Date Day

Today is Micah’s due date.  Will the baby come today?  Well if she follows my pattern I doubt it but let’s take a look.

Bret – one day late,  Kyla – four days late,  Devin – three weeks over,   Dillon – (I took a little caster oil but don’t really know if that did anything, he came face up) – a few days late,   Micah – I was induced after not going into labor, Lane – I was induced after not going into labor ( he was breach and turned the night before), Rhea – I was induced, (she came face up. )




It was a sad to get my new Mat Valley debit card in the mail.  Oh how I love the old one with the blue colors and the mountains, water, birds and sky.  Now, I have the green one, just green and black and a chip.  As we travel out of state so many people comment on the beauty of our cards and then ask where we are from. That then prompts a great conversation usually ending with, “well I really like your card.”   All of that popularity is now gone and my wallet just looks so bland when I open it up.   A sad day.


Ta Da

I tried my hand at the Raspberry White Chocolate Cheesecake not because I wanted to but because Rhea requested it for her birthday dessert.  I really do enjoy making cheesecakes though and Juniors is my favorite kind to make . . . and it was rich, fattening and oh so divine.  Love my photo bombers.

Sharon Eubank

Micah, Rhea and I attended the General Women’s Broadcast at the Stake Center.  It was a good meeting and nice to be with my girls.  We knew Kyla was watching from her place too.  My favorite speaker was Sharon Eubank and the following paragraph meant so much to me.  I should read this every morning and live it.  I have also found a great love for Sister Eubank and her life of goodness and struggles.   “Each of us needs to be better at articulating the reasons for our faith. How do you feel about Jesus Christ? Why do you stay in the Church? Why do you believe the Book of Mormon is scripture? Where do you get your peace? Why does it matter that the prophet has something to say in 2017? How do you know he is a real prophet? Use your voice and your power to articulate what you know and feel—on social media, in quiet conversations with your friends, when you’re chatting with your grandchildren. Tell them why you believe, what it feels like, if you ever doubted, how you got through it, and what Jesus Christ means to you. As the Apostle Peter said, “Be not afraid … ; but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.”




No Cell Phones Back Then

I passed this “house??” today while delivering some stuff to someone.  This was the house that two people were poisoned by carbon monoxide fumes.  That was over twenty years ago.  I saw Larry Wilde up at the corner of Big Lake and Parks using the pay phone – so funny to think that was all we had years ago.  I just had the impression I should pull over and ask if everything was ok.  It wasn’t.  He was frantically searching for someone that knew where these people lived.  It just so happened, I did.  He followed me as we travelled to the “house??” where there were medical personnel everywhere.  Fortunately, treatment was provided and they were fine after some time.  I had now forgotten where the house was until I passed by today.   So long ago.



Our Dear Sweet Emma

The evening was perfect.   The food, decor and ambience set the tone.   The woman did the most amazing job.  I was so so proud.  Watching seventy-two year old Louise Midkiff stand up with a shawl over her head and talk about Sarah and at her great age  having a child with Abraham, it brought tears to our eyes.  We all felt the spirit.  I asked Alice to portray Emma Smith which she was very hesitant to do.  She said she didn’t know much about Emma and was afraid to do it.  But she did.  She looked beautiful and her words were sweet and touching and for a few moments we were so captivated by her message that it was as if she were Emma.  Aaaaahhhhhhhhh . . . a peaceful, wonderful evening.