Three Blind Mice

And there I sat all tucked in the corner of my cuddler with headphones and my Hulu series on while Mike sat across kicked back in his big lounger, legs propped, deep into his iPad show with his headphones on.   We were quite the elderly sight but as the night drew nigh I noticed Mike was  in a bit of a fog.  I cleaned my glasses to see if I had a nasty film on them.  I didn’t.  Nothing was cooking so it wasn’t smoke.  The reality of the situation set in quickly as I realized it was real fog – coming up the stairs from the creepy, spooky Halloween bash that was going on downstairs.  Our house literally shook as the bass filled tunes rocked our night away and put us down in the history of parties as the “coolest parents ever to let their daughter have this party.”  Oh yes, fog that set off the smoke detectors, music that literally shook our brains, silly string that adorns our door and a table filled with Halloween leftovers and Coke stickies on the floor.  For old farts, we really are cool.

Who I Emulate

I have written in the past about how lovely it is to receive a well-written thank you card from someone.  It is the sincerity and the details that are most well-noted as well as the effort and time given to actually hand write the expressions.  Today I received a note from someone who actually made it on my first post as one who writes the most beautiful sentiments.   I do this, not only to share, how nicely she does her thanks but also to show you how genuine of a person she is.  Kali Ponder is so very kind, very genuine and heartfelt.  She is the type of person I “desire” to be.

Mistletoe Mania

The Hallmark Christmas movies have begun and I am melting away into heaven over them all.  I found a list of the new movies and have set some serious goals to watch every one and cross them off my list.  I truly believe that is a worthy goal.  I am not a sappy, corny kind of girl and I question why I get into these movies but I do. I will totally get into one and then pull up an intense British crime show to finish off my evening.  Kind of an oxymoron way to spend my time.


Ho Ho Ho Not

Some things just scream creepy and I hope I am not offending this person who lives here in this photo but I pass by this place a few times a month when I pick up a friend of mine.  Why is this creepy?

  1.  The Santa theme entices little children.
  2.  The actual place is set back in a maze of an entrance.
  3.  An old man lives here and dresses up like Santa.

Way too strange for me.  Just saying.  If he is an nice old man, I am very sorry.


Steak On Sunday

It was brought to my attention that a few families we know serve the same thing every Sunday for Sunday dinner.  I have a few thoughts on that concept.  Pro.   I wouldn’t have to think of what to fix every week.  Already done.  Con.  Although tough some weeks I do like a variety and coming up with what to fix.  Pro.  One of the families fixes spaghetti – that is simple and something I could do every Sunday.  Con.  I don’t need simple – I just need a good family meal.  Pro.  No one would ask me what we were having  for dinner.  Con.  No one would ask me what we were having for dinner.  I love to text Lane back when he asks and give him our entire menu which follows with his text “what time is dinner?”  I am feeling pretty good about our thirty-five year Sunday dinner plan – it is a keeper.



Let It Be Christmas

On a whim I decided to put on a little Pandora Christmas while driving.  I know it is only October but I was proving to myself the point that Christmas music is uplifting to the soul.  A good friend, a childhood friend, posted on Facebook that she took out a Christmas CD and decided to play it.   I followed suit and totally enjoyed bopping and swaying to some old familiar jingle tunes.   Now that I have posted my folly and I will hear the repercussions of my deed – no one will ever know what plays in my Mini from this day forth.



Hinckley came over today wearing a great plaid flannel shirt.  It looked a little familiar but it wasn’t until Micah mentioned she thought Dad had one just like it that the bells went off.  I headed to his closet and pulled out the “identical” shirt which Hinckley thought was the coolest thing.  Of course, those two would have matching shirts.  Mike has been notorious for the past forty years for wearing flannel shirts and now he finally has someone else to mentor his fashion sense.


Team Effort

As I walked into Fred Meyer I about toppled over a display of Idahoan soup products.  I have never seen them put this so close to the entrance before but it was Idahoan and my son-in-law Sam is the engineer for the potato company.  I quickly took a picture and sent it off to Kyla letting her know we were doing our part at promoting his company.  She text back and said that was really funny since Devin just texted her a picture because Brooke brought two soups and they were eating them for dinner tonight.    Such team effort to keep Sam employed.


My Home Forever

I read this fun article about how us Alaskans get fired up about some things.  It made me laugh so I did a little adapting and formed my own list.

Five Things Us Alaskans Are A Little Weird But Cool About

  1.  The clothes we wear.  We wear warmth but style.  Carhartt, KUIU, Simms, Cabelas, Xtra Tuffs, quilted skirts,  down coats, fur boots, mittens and beanies.  We can also pull off shorts and flip flops when it is 30 degrees.  We can wear rugged stuff to the store – no one even takes notice, anything goes.
  2. The fish we eat.  Salmon and halibut could be served once a week and is about as common as Hamburger Helper.  Yeah we are spoiled but we love it.
  3. It drives us crazy when out of towners think it is cold when it is 65 degrees out.  I am in capris, a t-shirt and flip flops and loving the heat wave.
  4. Everyone has a dog and a gun.
  5. It is a snowmachine not a snowmobile.

Isn’t it great to love where you live?  I sure do.
