Pure Life

I am a people person and the best place to watch people is at the airport.  I sat down at my gate scanning my area for anything intriguing to look at when I noticed an Alaska Airlines employee wheeling in an elderly woman directly across from me.  He helped her debilitated body into the chair as she kindly thanked him for his help.  Her daughter who accompanied her jumped up quickly after a few minutes went by and ran down the corridor.  Upon her return her mother asked where she went.  She said that had wanted to tip him so she ran after him.  That must have been quite a long run but she found him.    Her mother gave her a satisfied look of pride and grabbed her water bottle to which she held up and read out loud. “Pure Life.”  She nodded in agreement and pleasantly waited for our plane.  What a great example of two good women who are so grateful for life.  I certainly didn’t need to explain the Thirty-Day Gratitude Challenge to them.   They were amazing and yes I snuck a picture.


No Day Of Leisure

Got Lars and Mike off at three-thirty this morning and settled in for a morning nap and day of leisure.  I ran a few errands and needed to head to Kohls but Mary Jo was going to go with me so I waited.  As the time got closer she said she was just going to rest but she told me to go ahead.  When I returned she was still sitting in the same chair and not looking good.  From there everything went down hill.  We ended up taking her to two clinics and then the ER.  Her final diagnosis was thrush, severe reaction to her steroid shot, and a severe allergic reaction to jalapeño chips.  Kim and I got home about ten o’clock at night, got her to bed, hugged goodbye and I grabbed a few hours of sleep before Jolene and I did the three-thirty in the morning airport run.  That day of leisure was for the birds.


One Day

Monday.  Suitcase to buy.  Rental car to return.  Pool time.  Grandma visiting.  Goodbyes.  Leftover pie to eat.  Gary and Ellie bid farewell.  LulaRoe shopping.  Laughter.  Deseret Book Store.  Check out of house.  Grandma can’t find her keys.   Jimmy and Liz say “see you at home”.  Offer to drive Lars and Mike to the airport at three thirty in the morning.  Lane and Kelcy hang out. Searched and searched and still can’t find Grandma’s keys.   Pack Bret’s pictures from Grandma.  Feel like getting ready to head home.



After church we all drove to the Phoenix National Cemetery as a family to visit Grandpa’s grave.  Rhea went yesterday with Mike because she has never had the opportunity to go.  It is always a special time to spend a few minutes with Pops.

A Sweet Sight

It has been a jam packed week of family activities but nothing can top seeing a family sealed in the temple.  Mike, Kaitlyn and Taylee were sealed for eternity in the Gilbert, Arizona temple.  We all gathered outside after for family pictures before Sam, Kyla and boys headed home on their drive to Idaho.  That night we had goodies and dancing at an open house in their honor.



We celebrated Grandma’s eightieth birthday today.   Fifty-five friends and family enjoyed Costa Vida for dinner after which we watched the video that Brooke put together for the celebration.  It was absolutely wonderful.  We all wrote messages that Ellie put in a Keepsake Book and we ate cake and ice-cream for dessert.  It was a fun night and much appreciated by Grandma.  I think my pictures will show more than I say.


We Trotted

What a great day to sum up  – we had our first annual 5K Turkey Trot and then started preparing our food.  All thirty-two of the family came over for our feast at our place.  It was a beautiful Arizona evening where we played games outside and laughed.  May I just add that Kyla made the most beautiful rolls and veggie tray.

Mike’s Fav Eatery

We are here – sun and fun.  Got the boys ready and headed to the pool on the golf cart.  Maverick was so tired he just couldn’t stay awake so him and “Grammie” sunned for about an hour.  We cleaned up and headed to Raising Cane’s for Grandma’s birthday dinner.  The manager was shocked that we would all go there for her eightieth birthday so I suggested they get the whole place to sing to her.  He thought that was a great idea and obliged with a song and a Raising Cane t-shirt.


I was thinking today as I unbundled myself from my new red plaid jammies that I am downright cold blooded.  My bed has layers of blankets and sweaters wrap my body daily.   I am an ice cube and I live on hot apple cider and hot chocolate.  My car stays on eighty-four degrees and my seat warmers on high.  I hope my soul is warm though.  I try to be kind and to care for others.  I am working on overcoming the shivering body and focusing on the “warm soul.”  Someone was once asked what that meant and the reply was “you have a welcoming and nurturing spirit, use it wisely and honestly.”
