True Story

This story is the absolute truth.  If I had a video you would believe it more.  If  had a video I would be on TV for sure.   I went to visit a friend this evening and because we are down a vehicle I took the old blue truck.  Leslie lives in a four plex and you have to pull up a big hill to get to the parking spots at the top.  I put on the emergency brake because of all the snow and ice and went in for a nice hour long visit.  When I came out I pulled the lever to release the brake but accidentally popped the hood instead.  I opened my door, slid down since this truck is high and rather tough to get into and pushed down on the hood.  As I was ready to get back in I looked more carefully to where the brake release was and pulled it.  The truck began to roll – and fast.  I grabbed on the steering wheel and pulled myself in and pushed on the brake.  I was halfway down the hill before I got the truck stopped and turned.  How I managed to pull myself up into the truck while it was rolling is a mystery to me and always will be?   My adrenalin must have been on maximum.  Looking back I don’t think I put “old blue” in park when I first got there but I don’t really know.  It was an extremely harrowing experience and I was in shock that I did it.  My arms feel sore but no damage was done to “old blue.”  I keep thinking how fast and hard that truck would have rolled, down the hill, across the road and into someone’s house.    Trust me to put on a spectical.


Take Time To Be Holy

We had a beautiful lesson in church a few weeks ago and our teacher Pauline shared this song with us as well as the words.  I love hearing the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing this song  (You Tube), it is one of my favorites.  I have been reading over these words since then and have challenged myself to memorize them – what a mantle of great instruction they give.  There is such truth to taking the time to be holy.  The man who penned these words was William Longstaff born in 1822.  This was his only poem that he is known for.  He had such a yearning to be holy in the work that he wrote these words:

Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord;
Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word.
Make friends of God’s children, help those who are weak,
Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.

Take time to be holy, the world rushes on;
Spend much time in secret, with Jesus alone.
By looking to Jesus, like Him thou shalt be;
Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see.

Take time to be holy, let Him be thy Guide;
And run not before Him, whatever betide.
In joy or in sorrow, still follow the Lord,
And, looking to Jesus, still trust in His Word.

Take time to be holy, be calm in thy soul,
Each thought and each motive beneath His control.
Thus led by His Spirit to fountains of love,
Thou soon shalt be fitted for service above.



We Are Rich

I am truly not trying to “one-up” a past blog post about Mike receiving a one dollar check, but when we were in Fairbanks Devin handed me a check that was written out to Mike but had their address on it.   The total was a whopping twenty-four cents.  We are certainly on a roll with settlement checks.  Three is a charm, so I can’t wait to get the next settlement check for a million dollars.  I may not blog about that one because I will be spending it.



He Brought Everything

I love to travel, fly on planes and see different places.  I don’t care to pack and that might be why I usually take more than I need.  Years ago I went to New Orleans for a few days and I always remember that I didn’t take enough clothes and I was miserable.  I was cold and wished I had more of a variety.  I have been accused of having suitcases that weigh too much although my good brain seems to calculate pretty close to the fifty pound limit. I often look discomposed walking away from baggage claim to my awaiting vehicle due to my excessive Samsonites however nothing will compare to the guy in front of me.  I am not that bad.  He couldn’t make it through the doors without unlatching both doors.



Rhea May

My girl – what a girl.  She sent me this text this past week.  I am so proud of her, whether she is chosen or not it is an honor to be nominated.  She is such the girl everyone loves.  This nomination really says a lot about the type of person she is.  Out of one hundred and thirty graduates she is one of eighteen nominated.



The Milk Run

I flew the “milk run” yesterday from Juneau to home.  My photo journal speaks for itself:

  1.  Juneau – getting de-iced
  2.  Juneau Tower – Devin in the tower working
  3.  Flying over Yakutat for one hour – no visibility – big storm
  4.  Yakutat – it is down there
  5.  Alaska Airlines building in Yakutat – my view
  6.  Yakutat – getting de-iced
  7.  Flying over Cordova – big storm
  8.  Yeah we can land – I am “hangry” – no snacks or sodas served all day – no services
  9.  Alaska Airlines building in Cordova – my view – more de-icing
  10.  Heading home – broke down and had to use the airplane potty
  11.  Longing for home – three and half hours late

The House In The Woods

There is so much to see and breathe in Juneau. There are places to explore and favorite eating places to partake of.   The Fred Meyer store is huge and the prices quite comparable. I passed a Dominos and am anxious to try the new “Breeze In” the next time I come to get a freshly baked bagel. These trees are so huge and dwarf even the largest of homes. Devin and Brooke’s place is nestled at the base of Thunder Mountain and a forest of greenery. Around the corner is my favorite find – the house built in between the trees.


I Want To Hold Your Hand

                              Upon the recommendation of Dillon and Kristi we went to Cantons for a delicious Chinese food dinner. We ordered two Bo Bo platters as appetizers. The crab wontons were SO tasty and my eggroll was a palate pleaser. I ordered the veggies and ate off of their sweet and sour chicken.  I divulged and was even happier to be the holder of all the leftovers which I know will make tomorrow’s lunch an event to look forward to. As we were driving home Oaklee needed her Dad’s hand to hold – that was a sweet ending to HER daddy-daughter date.


Checking It Out

Costco – the place we like to go to and of course that was tops on the sightseeing day.  It is a small store but it had most everything one would need minus the pizza at the snack bar.  It is the only Costco in the U. S. that does not have the oven facilities to have pizza.  Fortunately, the hot dogs and churros are in plenty.   We pushed the kids up and down the aisles, tasted the snacks and I listened to their pleadings asking Ahni to buy them books.  Hatcher and Alfie took a little reading break on the floor.


The Capital

Today was move in day to 8499 Rainbow Row, Apt. A where Devin and Brooke and family will reside.  They truly lucked out and were blessed to find a clean nice place which is roomy and bright.  It is an eight minute drive to the airport which is just perfect.  Go figure that the cheapest electricity in all the state of Alaska is in Juneau.  Their internet should be faster and food seems quite comparable.  They sure won’t burn much gas driving as the drive from one end to the other is about forty miles.  Truly they are living in beautiful place and the adventure begins.
