I Am Like A Dog

Dogs seem to sense, or know, or hear when a car pulls up that is not their master’s vehicles.  Well, at least our smart dogs did.  Their heads would barely lift off the ground if they heard one of us but a stranger’s engine provoked a bark and quick movement toward the door.  I can sit in the house and know who it is that has pulled up, I must have a dog’s sense.   Mike’s BMW is the quietest and the most difficult to tell, but the 1997 Beamer has a distinct roar and “cool car” sound as it pulls up.  We know when Lane is here for sure with his truck, it has a rumble.   Dillon used to put on his “Ice Cream” truck music coming down the hill so his entrance was a glorified happening.  The old Audi can be heard coming up Aero Lane . . .kind of glad that old boy is parked for awhile.


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