Sweet Spirits

To preface today’s blog I need to share Brooke’s post. “Hatcher must always be my reassurance on Sundays.. After dropping him off at his class at church, I turned around to see if he was looking at me as I left. He was, and he wasn’t just looking, he was winking at me. 😂 So after church today I asked him: “Hatcher, why were you winking at me when I dropped you off?”
He said: “Because I wanted to tell you good luck.”
I said: “Why did you want to tell me good luck?”
He said: “Because Heavenly Father wanted me to tell that to you.” 🙂😊😘#hatcherjames #sharegoodness

I just happened to be filing away all the old talks I have saved when I ran across a talk I gave when Devin was a little boy.  This is what I wrote, “A few weeks ago while attending church in North Pole we listened to one of the sister missionaries sing a beautiful song about the Savior.  As she finished our three-year-od son Devin turned and said, “Dad, wasn’t that a pretty song?”   I can certainly see that “sweet” trait that has been passed down from father to son.


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