The Joys of Break Up

Taco Bell is my go to place for a quick Diet Pepsi or often a soft taco Fresco for my lunch fix.  Lately that has been a bit of a problem due to some break-up moments such as the one they have in their drive-though lane.   I dare not approach those waters unless I know I can drive right through it until it subsides right by the ordering speaker.  I am the “different” one as every big rig, truck and even normal car has no problem idling in the “Taco Bell Lake.”  I however, know the limits of my Mini and so we just wait patiently until the path is clear for quick submersion and movement.

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Mimi Pottinger’s Pancakes

To satisfy my palate I opted for pancakes to go with our breakfast for dinner this past Sunday.  Micah made Ann Romney’s buttermilk pancakes with fresh blueberries plopped in for an added bonus.  The pancakes were divine and I will always love pancakes as one of my top two foods I can ‘always’ eat.  Pancakes and pizza.


Promoted to Head Maid

I pulled out my bin of “my life” in search of something to write about for my Writing Group.  I pulled out an old black duo tang folder that I had totally forgotten about and reread its contents.  It was from Florence Dais who was a friend of my mom’s and the wife of my boss, Hank Dais.  There is was, my story.   I wrote about Hank and my summer working as a maid at the Cedar Mountain Motor Lodge and how a cantankerous, sparkly little man became my “crossword puzzle” mentor and rather nice and generous boss.  I had forgotten about this black folder however and was a little overwhelmed at the cover letter.  Its content was moving and so greatly appreciated now reading it eleven years later.


Sweet Spirits

To preface today’s blog I need to share Brooke’s post. “Hatcher must always be my reassurance on Sundays.. After dropping him off at his class at church, I turned around to see if he was looking at me as I left. He was, and he wasn’t just looking, he was winking at me. 😂 So after church today I asked him: “Hatcher, why were you winking at me when I dropped you off?”
He said: “Because I wanted to tell you good luck.”
I said: “Why did you want to tell me good luck?”
He said: “Because Heavenly Father wanted me to tell that to you.” 🙂😊😘#hatcherjames #sharegoodness

I just happened to be filing away all the old talks I have saved when I ran across a talk I gave when Devin was a little boy.  This is what I wrote, “A few weeks ago while attending church in North Pole we listened to one of the sister missionaries sing a beautiful song about the Savior.  As she finished our three-year-od son Devin turned and said, “Dad, wasn’t that a pretty song?”   I can certainly see that “sweet” trait that has been passed down from father to son.


Go Back To Bed

To qualify for the blessings of the temple, each person must ensure that our life is in harmony with the teachings of the Church.  Before a person goes to the temple, they are interviewed by our bishop. In that interview you certify to him that you meet a standard of conduct relating to the holy temple.   This morning I prepared to go to the temple by ironing my skirt, getting my new temple slippers ready and had everything in order.  I arranged to meet Ruthanne in Wasilla when on the drive I pulled out my recommend and low and behold it had expired.  Crap – where did the time go?  I felt horrible but Ruthanne was ever so understanding.  I had to perk up so I went through the car wash and decided to go home and clean out the inside of my car.  When that was done, I went to the shed to get my Easter bin out when I stepped on our big, metal rake and it flipped up and bonked me on my right temple.  My glasses flew, the welt bubbled up and I swore I heard voices yelling, “loser, loser!!”



My Book Boat

Today was our craft day.  It was Taffy’s turn for gifts and she totally outdid herself with some awesome totes for our grandchildren.  I was so excited to bring it home because I knew that Hinckley was coming over and I knew he would love it – which he did.  Inside was a book and a little drawstring bag with snacks in it.  Hinckley spent the entire evening sitting in it and playing in it.  Thank you Grammie Taffy for the bestest gift ever.


I Am Like A Dog

Dogs seem to sense, or know, or hear when a car pulls up that is not their master’s vehicles.  Well, at least our smart dogs did.  Their heads would barely lift off the ground if they heard one of us but a stranger’s engine provoked a bark and quick movement toward the door.  I can sit in the house and know who it is that has pulled up, I must have a dog’s sense.   Mike’s BMW is the quietest and the most difficult to tell, but the 1997 Beamer has a distinct roar and “cool car” sound as it pulls up.  We know when Lane is here for sure with his truck, it has a rumble.   Dillon used to put on his “Ice Cream” truck music coming down the hill so his entrance was a glorified happening.  The old Audi can be heard coming up Aero Lane . . .kind of glad that old boy is parked for awhile.


Crazy Moose Day

I decided that a small gathering was needed so I sent out a few texts to make it happen.  Today we all sat around an old wooden table on the upper floor of the Herning/Teeland building to introduce the sumptuous “Crazy Moose” sandwiches to our new moved in friends.  Our group was diverse, some conversationized more, some were quiet, the bread was thick and fresh and we covered much ground.  I enjoyed and since I formulated the plan I can check off my experience as “well-done Styers.”



Just A Short List

 There is always room for improvements in our lives.   That thought necessitated a short list of things I want to do better at.  I want to track my calories better on my app “lose it”, act upon a prompting to call or text someone right when I have the prompting,  drink more water and clean up my emails daily.  As Mark Twain once said,” continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.”



Follow The Brown Brick Road

This came across the Facebook feed and oh boy do I remember this floor.  When we lived in Richmond, B. C. we had this flooring in our kitchen but I think it was in darker tones.   What we thought back then was cool is in no way cool now.   I suppose I am grateful for this photo though because I can now document what our floor looked like.  Ugh. . .
