Ultrasound Day

Well the verdict is in – a boy for Dillon and Kristi.  So that means the count is a follows:  nine boys and five girls.  What does this really mean?  It means a lot of hockey talk and not many pedi’s.  It means we are a little ahead of the world’s stats which say that for every 1.07 males there is a female.   It means there won’t be as many emotions flying around because that is the girl department.  It means that we have more wigglers because boys are the ones to squirm more on the changing table, get restless in the stroller, and crawl over longer distances.  And hey girls, you got potty training down, hands down, way faster that the boys.   So, Alfie, Paige, Remi, Oaklee and Mayvie – you girls just need to stick together.





Little Houses

“Love grows best in little houses, with few walls to separate, where you eat and sleep so close together, you can’t help but communicate, and if we had more room between us, think of all we’d miss, love grows best in houses just like this.”   Love grows best in little homes like Bret and Britta’s, Kyla and Sam’s, Devin and Brooke’s, Dillon and Kristi’s, Micah and David’s, Lane’s and Rhea’s that she shares with Mom and Dad.


Thanks Maverick

Have you ever just needed to stop and pick out the fuzzies from your toes?  Maverick did because his new black socks left little remnants between his digits.  A moment, to be still and quiet and dutifully and tenderly remove what was tickly and bothersome and feel good once again.   I took a moment today to send a message to one of our Relief Society teachers, not because I needed to, nor because I was told to, but because it was a few seconds of being nice, being sweet, being tender and what was essential.   It was what she needed and perhaps the exchange of goodness that makes everything just feel better.


Our Celebration

Memorial Day 2018 goes down in the memory books:  Idaho thunderstorm, walk to the Maverik Store, granddaddy arrived, taking turns holding Dash, picked out a good watermelon, white corn on the grill, game of Trouble,  #instagrammie post, Face Times  with family, gifts coming to the door,  rice krispie treats, smell of barbecues, shucking corn and remembering of course.



Will Dash Be A Redhead?

The probing question still lingers, will Dash be a redhead?  In order for a baby to have red hair, both parents have to carry the gene, since it’s a recessive trait.   So if you’re a ginger and you marry a ginger, odds are, your kids will be gingers, too. If only one parent has the locks but the other is a carrier, the baby’s chances are 50/50. If neither of you are red but you both are carriers, you have a one in four chance of a fiery-haired child.  So for Dash the jury is still out on this one.   Here are a couple of tidbits:

 ~The world’s rarest hair and eye color combo is red hair and blue eyes

~Redheads are more likely to be left-handed.




Our little baby Dash arrived safely to his new loving family.  So cool that he and cousin Mayvie were only born five days apart from one another.  They both have this huge extended family that love them already and will always support them and be there for them.  That is what eternal families are all about.

Dash Allan Williams  May 26, 2018

-10:16 am – 6 lbs 11 oz – 20 inches long

Pre-Baby Day

We made it a full adventurous day before baby Williams is supposed to be arriving.  The boys showed me the new toddler park in Rigby and Blaze showed off his climbing skills.  Kyla introduced me to “The Cookie Cottage” and an unbelievably succulent lemon sugar cookie.  After Subway, naps and then dinner we ventured to Porter Park for the opening of the Carousel and the water park.  We walked through the Farmer’s Market and the boys enjoyed “Cock-a-doodle Donuts.”  The eighty-degree weather forced us to end the sultry evening at Karie Anne’s for a gelati/custard but I stuck with water.  I can’t eat everything I want.


Bumper Sticker

I came upon this guy on the highway and I thought about his message.  “DO NOT FOLLOW ME.”   I appreciated his directness – sometimes I wish I was more open and forthright.  I heeded his warning.  Not all people heed such warnings and blow up, well maybe not explode but find themselves in dark places.    He obviously was carrying a “sensitive load” and drove very carefully with safety his foremost.  I flew by going eighty, carefree and giddy that I got to drive Dad and Melba’s car instead of taking the shuttle heading up to welcome in a new grand baby so anyone is free to follow me.


Grammie Surprises

My Dad and I spent the whole day at the kitchen table working on his “life story” book.  We made great progress but we were exhausted when we were done.  Melba and I never had much time to talk like normal but they are getting ready for a trip to California and I am off to Rexburg in the morning.  I let Blaze know the black suitcase was safe and sound.  He knows that there are Grammie surprises in it for him and Maverick and the anticipation was just too much for him to handle.  I sent a picture from Anchorage and then when it got to Salt Lake City.   Next stop with my two suitcases will be Rexburg.

I Have A Lot Of Questions

I am leaving tonight for Utah and Idaho and while in the Seattle airport I saw this and I have questions:

IMG_7366~What is really inside this “nursing  mother’s suite” – chairs, a lounger, some flowers, snacks, reading material, wipes?

~Is this unit the capsule that floated down through the atmosphere from an old Apollo mission?

~Do nursing mothers really go in it?   I should have looked – is there an “occupied” sign? Can only one Mom go in at a time?

~Could I just open it and check next time or would security be called?