Communication Is Key

It would be fun to gather ten large retail corporations around a large table.  Then, with pictures ready, I would talk.   They need to know the things that they do that are amazing and they also need to know where they lack.  In just twenty-four hours being here in Utah I have witnessed two truths that are worth mentioning.  Thank you to IKEA for putting very attractive, clean trash barrels in your parking lots.  Way to go to remind us all to dispose of our refuse in a receptacle that is actually pleasing and inviting to use.  Now, Target, I am ashamed to tell you that a few of your stores were beyond disorganized and messy.  Beyond is putting it lightly.  They looked more like an old K-Mart after a blue light special.  Now you know.

Love Hearing The Lid Pop

I showed Kyla how to preserve jam today since she has bushes and bushes of raspberry plants in her back yard.  Kind of ironic that Kyla and Micah both ended up with tons of berries.  The process went well and when we were done we just had to have a test taste.  Which tasted better?  Was it her freezer raspberry jam or preserved raspberry jam?  And the winner is – today’s deep red beauty process.

He Loves Green

I recall those days many years ago when the kids would know their grandparents would be at our place when they got home from school.  They would hurry off the school bus, run up the driveway and fly the door open.  Today I got to see Blaze come off his kindergarten bus.  He told me yesterday he would be wearing a green shirt.  Good thing I knew that – forget the red hair or the fact I was just here a few months ago or that we FaceTime every day.  I looked for the green shirt . . . because that is what Grammies do.


Parents Of The Bride

Airport travel is so exhilarating to me and also deathly tiring because of the many times we fly out of Anchorage so late at night.   Tonight was such a night as I ventured back down to Utah and Idaho for Amanda’s and Jake’s wedding.   As my eyelids struggled to stay open and while looking at my puffy leg from my recent procedure I heard a familiar voice and there was Jimmy (and Liz).  Out of all the flights we were on the same one from Seattle to Salt Lake and once again my theory of always seeing “someone”  I know came true again – and to boot we are heading to the same wedding.



When the children were young Garanimals clothing came out and they were a big deal.  This creative insightful company had developed a clothing line with an animal imprinted in the inside so children could match their own outfits.   Dr. Joyce Brothers, a renowned psychologist said,  “Garanimals… helps the pre-schooler to handle his/her own wardrobe. That sense of ‘I Can’ fosters the child’s growing sense of independence.”    I had kind of forgotten about Garanimals until Kyla and were talking about children’s clothing.  She was unaware of the matching of the animals and then she showed me this outfit.  It is a Garanimals brand but no animal. What?  The world is deluged with violence, unrest and political disdain and I am worried where the monkey went.  Good grief.


Still Love The Look of Bottled Fruit

I was thinking a while ago that I just don’t use my quart canning jars anymore.  I find that if I bottle lots of fruit it just doesn’t get eaten mostly due to dietary restrictions these days.  I was thinking of telling any of the young mothers that I know that if they would like some jars I would love to give them to any ambitious canning wannabe.  Then, Kyla told me she was getting a bushel of pears and my jars were immediately prepared for the flight down.  Nothing like keeping heirlooms in the family.



Ten Of Many

I follow my misophoniac support group quite intensely some days.  One of the issues people seem to be irritated by is how many words and phrases are spoken incorrectly.  There is a reaction, an episode of anxiety that is precipitated by the repeated misuse of certain words.  To aid in the healing of my world-wide group of irritated misophoniac pals I am going to post the following chart.  There is always room for all of us to improve.



There Are Five

Having been a resident of Alaska for thirty-six years one would think that I would have the species of salmon imbedded in my brain backwards and forwards.  I don’t.  I went on field trips with the kids where we learned all about salmon, I helped out at Big Lake Elementary School when the salmon unit was taught, I listened to the boys talk about fish when they had their fishing charter business but it never all totally stuck.  Perhaps I should put this “cheat sheet” chart on the inside of my kitchen cupboard door so I can learn them all properly and impress the heck out of my grandkids.  It is my last chance.


Happy Birthday To Me

Today I am fifty-nine and it was a great day.  It wasn’t the most typical birthday because I started out with another appointment for my legs to which I was advised by Dr. Bell that he cannot do any more procedures on my legs.  Fortunately we were on the tail end but my reaction last time was far too serious to ignore.    Then home to make three Pig Cakes for our activity and off to our Relief Society activity.  The turn out was great and it concluded with an eruption of “Happy Birthday” which was very sweet.  That doesn’t happen often that I actually get a chorus of that rendition sung.  I am happy,  I have good health,  a wonderful family, great friends, solid faith and many more great birthdays to come, just like today.


Top Or Bottom?

Sometimes I feel like I live in a bubble or lead a very sheltered life.  I was making up the bed and noticed that at the top of the queen sheets it said “top or bottom”.    When did they start doing this?  They are fairly new sheets so is this new?  If it isn’t then I am one out of the loop girl.  I am not sure I want to know the answer to this – I might feel worse.
