The Games They Think Of

Hinckley begged Uncle Bret to let them all play the “Toilet Trouble” game that he had bought for Brecken for his birthday.  Uncle Bret said if they all sat around the counter they could play.  It wasn’t long before a huge bellow of laughter was heard and we all gathered around to watch these little munchkins stick their faces closes to the toilet to see if they got flushed on.  Paige had no fear at all – face in- toilet splash.

Need A Door? Too Late

Remember those doors we hung on to about twenty years ago and all those old hockey sticks?   Remember the extra tires . . .and old boards?   How many tarps can a person own?    How many tarps does a person own that they don’t realize they even own?  Today was monumental as Mike actually threw most of this old stuff away.  His famous last words, “well you never know when we might need this” never rang true.  He purged.  He actually purged and I was so happy to let it all slide right on down into the dumpster.  So happy indeed.



God’s Color Palette

We have had the most beautiful fall with sunny days and gorgeous sunsets.  The leaves are still falling but the colors remain stunning.  My friend Ruth Orien lives on a lake not too far from where we live.   She sent me a picture she took walking outside of her cabin overlooking the water.  I cannot even comprehend this massive amount of beauty and color. ” Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made for the eye of one who sees.”  Rumi


It Could Be Worse

If there ever is a blunder to happen in my kitchen it is when my recipe calls for bouillon cubes or caramels.   Thankfully these two things aren’t in the same dish or I would really be in a world of hurt.  The bouillons and the caramels are small and square and the packaging is tight and intricate and dang if my fingers are just so arthritic that they won’t  open them up with any sort of ease.  I have found that I have to sit at my stool (hopefully with a little Hallmark on) as I slowly and patiently unwrap each one.  The process is long but once it is done away I go to finish what I had started.  In spite of it all, I am so grateful I have fingers.

Where In The World?

Talk about a transient, jet setting family.  As we speak the following family members are in different locations:  Bret is in Kansas (work), Devin is in Minneapolis (work), Lane is out on a boat somewhere, Brooke and the kids are flying to Utah,  Mike is in Kenai (work), Kyla and Sam are heading to Salt Lake City (buying a van) and I am just at home painting.   So cool that Bret and Devin got to meet up in the Seattle Airport.

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The Icy Strait – Closed For The Winter

I am thinking the season has ended.  The cabin had guests all weekend but we may be bidding them all a pleasant farewell at the end of this great reign this summer.  Lane comes home next week and the Airbnb is shutting down business until next June.  I have appreciated  all (nearly all) the good people that came to visit and those that shared such nice pleasantries.  I have learned a lot and am looking forward to another hard working summer baking and cleaning for a new crew with some returning folks we hope.  I have acknowledged all those who signed our guest book and I have my lists of add-ons for next summer: night lights in the hallway, a full length mirror and a blow dryer.  I can do these.



It Is My Security Guard

I bought a pumpkin from Costco.  It is the most obnoxious pumpkin ever and I love it.  Mike detests it.  When I hear the outside door opening at five thirty in the morning to the sounds of devilish laughter, crows cawing and thunder cracking I inwardly laugh.  He hasn’t thrown it across the yard yet so maybe he is getting into the Halloween spirit or maybe he is reminded that our grandkids will really like it.   I know they will walk in front of it a hundred times to see that jack o lantern’s face light up while setting off its spooky shrill of sounds.


The Wife Of A Scoutmaster

There is a tent in my family room.  I shouldn’t be alarmed because over the years I have endured many things that have dried out in my downstairs.  There was always hockey gear, rain gear, hunting gear, camping gear and the all familiar tent.  I have an internal forty-eight hour rule that after forty-eight hours the tent needs to come down.  I can handle it drying but when it feels like it has moved in I’m ready to move out.


Can’t Wait For Her To Open It

I watched Bret and Britta’s kids for a few hours in Anchorage so I thought it was fitting and convenient that we head to Costco for lunch and a little shopping.  Brecken was very interested in a lego book I had told him about and then we walked through the aisles of toys in preparation for Christmas.  And then . . . she saw it.  Paige stopped and stared.  It was the most beautiful doll ever and it was right there in Costco.  She declared so excitedly, “It is Elena!”  I quietly slipped her under the cart knowing Paige’s birthday is in October.  We managed the surprise all the way until after we checked out and then she saw her.  I lied but it was an ok Grandma lie.  I said it was for Oaklee.  Ugh . . .


Brand New Laces

While working down in Rhea’s room I saw these two packages of Canadian laces sitting on her dresser.  Since most of her belongings are either in Idaho or packed away for safe keeping I pondered as to why she left these?  Perhaps she didn’t know what to do with them since she isn’t playing hockey anymore or maybe it was a kind subtle way of saying “whoever gave these to me that really have them back?”  Maybe she thought I might want them being as I am Canadian and all.  They could go in my ‘tennies’ if I wanted to look like a real dork.  So I have been looking at these most of the day perplexed as to what their outcome should be.   I just can’t throw them away – against all my Canuck ways.   I could good will them but best of all I’ll just stick them in her little care package that is ready to be mailed and she can take care of matters herself.  The wise mother approach.
