A Little Bit Of Heaven

Today I inhaled the smell of my new carpet in the bedrooms and thoroughly enjoyed it.  It was great to walk on the soft, bouncy, fibers of cleanliness but the smell was what I hoped would remain.  While relishing in these odorific sensations I was informed that a lot of people do not like the smell of new carpet, not at all.  In fact they search for ways to reduce the smell after carpet has been installed.  It even bothers them to the point of nauseousness.   Not this gal.  I would keep my new car scent and my new carpet smell anyday.



My Children Are So Good

A text from Rhea:  “You’ve probably seen this quote but I just really like it and is very comforting.  We learned about it today in class and thought I would share it with you.”  Thank you sweet pea for uplifting me and inspiring me.


What A Gal

Our dear sweet Mae Pickering passed away yesterday.   The news of her passing was receiving shortly after we had tenderly talked about dropping off a wreath board to her in the upcoming weeks.   It was one of the sweet moments like the bell ringing on “It’s A Wonderful Life” when an angel gets her wings.   As her sweet name Mae was spoken from our mouths she was breathing in those last few breaths of earthly life.  Mae relied on her oxygen as her sustenance but the time had come that it just wasn’t enough.  I loved Mae.  I loved her feistiness, her forthrightness, her love of the missionaries, her desire to get Jim’s temple work done,  her honesty, her lovely painted nails that she always manicured herself and her keen sense of death before the moment came.  She had a gruff voice.  When I called her she wouldn’t say hello – just – “you walking over?”  It didn’t matter if it was pouring rain or windy she always thought I would be walking over instead of driving.  I will miss you darling Mae.


We Know We Are Crazy

Deb and I checked our lists for both wards.    Super Saturday is tomorrow.  Are we ready?:  75 creches, 75 Mary’s, 75 Joseph’s, 75 baby Jesus’, 75 stars, 75 snowman bodies, 75 hearts, 75 noses, 75 hat brims, 500 plus green circles, 500 plus red circles, 500 plus brown circles, 1500 assorted scallops, 75 numbers cricuted out in black and white vinyl, 75 wood frames, 75 wood slatted frames, 75 circles of red berries, 75 pieces of green garland, paint, glue sticks, glue guns, brushes, scissors, laminate sheets, laminators, stencils, permanent markers, nail gun and one cold Diet Pepsi.  Breathe.


Aaaahhh Feels Good

Micah gave me a letter board for my birthday.  I had been wanting one but now that I have it I just can’t narrow down what quote I want to put on it.   And so, the letter board has sat in its box waiting for me.   Today I made it happen.  I decided that since I am reading “Girl, wash your face” I would use one of Rachel Hollis’ thoughts.  On the wall it goes and no more excuses.


One Little Leaf

I am so grateful for Brooke’s creativeness.  My “tree” graces my living room wall and as simple as it may sound as each leaf is added I love it more.  I realize it isn’t just the tree but the reminder that our family has been blessed with another little human being that brings us all joy.  You know, that pure joy that we all seek in life.  Our fourteenth leaf just got added and my tree hangs once again tenderly displaying our posterity.


Dropping Into Bed Dang Tired

I like to work hard at things but most of all and it sounds a little odd but I love the feel of being totally exhausted at the end of the day.  I prefer that feeling when my body has been pushed past its physical capabilities.  That isn’t much but with my body but it feels good to me.  I’m not an athletic person but I can certainly work hard at things and I can work long hours at it.  This week while preparing for our craft day I pushed myself hard while also moving and packing things in the house for the carpet replacement.  I feel like my Cricut mat.  It is so worn out but it still has some stick to it.  This baby cut so many little pieces for me and it did it well.  She looks exhausted too.




Can’t Wait For The New Carpet

A way to dig up memories is to prepare your bedrooms for new carpet.  Once again the baseboards tell all.  In the boys old rooms I found many little shooting plastic balls, Lane’s insulin test strips and various propelling paraphernalia.  In the girls’ rooms I found (sorry girls) candy wrappers, hair trinkets and little papers with writing on them.   I also shockingly remembered the orange painted walls which following the purple walls.  Ugh.  Even the carpet itself tells a story.  There is a faint red stain that has been in one bedroom for so many years.  I scrubbed, I hired the professionals but the stain remains reminding us of the day Rhea ate a red popsicle and then lost it all – on the carpet.  Making memories.

The Uniform

Mike’s scout shirt hung on the end of the bedpost.  I had the hangar in my hand ready to put it away when I noticed the shoulder badge lifting away from the shirt – the stitching coming apart.  Oh, how I wish I could ignore that badge.  I have never ever enjoyed sewing on the badges onto his shirt, nor any of the boys’ shirts.  I have been dutiful however and always done it while detesting the task.  Now I am wondering if it can hang on just fourteen more months when the shirt will no longer be needed. . . nice thought.
