Micah Loves Flowers – Real And Paper

I wanted some wall decor and I didn’t want to spend much money.  I knew my new guest room needed something to tie the Victorian romantic look altogether so I turned to my flower maker extraordinaire Micah and she did it.  What hangs about the black iron bed are three white delicate paper flowers and I love her work.  I have also commissioned her to make a small white paper flower that will go in a grey shadow box that I have hung on to for a few years.  Inexpensive yet classy.   Micah, you got talent.



So Glad She Is Ours

A huge shout out to my daughter-in-law Brooke for her tremendous efforts with a Christmas project I needed help with.  She put in many hours and was patient and efficient.  With three little kids and a household to manage Brooke is amazing.  She is so talented and creative and most of all she has such a kind giving heart.  Thank you Brooke.  I am over the top excited to share our endeavor on Christmas morning.





I Only Use It For Baking

My good friend Deb asked me this question, “Does buttermilk go bad because it is already soured milk?”    That is a question we have both thought about but never really knew the answer so I looked it up.  Basically yes, it does, and should be treated like milk.  I read to her the following: “Most sources state that buttermilk is going to be fine for about two weeks while in the fridge, but it should be fine for a longer period of time. While it’s unopened and in the fridge, it should be fine for at least a month, maybe even longer. Once it’s opened it should last in the fridge for about two weeks, but if you want to drink it, you should do it earlier than two weeks after the opening. When buttermilk approaches the two weeks mark, it should be use for baking purposes rather than drinking.”  Deb and I both had our answer but I wanted to throw up after reading all about buttermilk – the thought of it just makes me sick to my stomach.  Thanks Deb.


Zambonis Need It Cold

I looked out my window a day ago to see Mr. Santa, Mr. Snowman and Snoopy on his Zamboni all sitting on green grass.  What a winter we are having – too warm for all of us.  It felt sacrilegious to have our inflatables not perched on icy snow crystals but the lawn.  Ick.  How happy I was to see a little frosty bottom for our three friends today – good bye Arizona – hello Big Lake, Alaska.  Keep it coming.


I Need Help

I am not a dreamer, actually I am not one that remembers my dreams.  However, this past week I have recollected some very vivid details about two of my dreams and am a little concerned about their Freudian meanings.   In my first dream I had facial hair that was as long as a lion’s hair that I suddenly noticed  while looking in the mirror.  That woke me up in a panic ready to grab my magnifying makeup mirror and small red scissors.  The second dream (or nightmare) a few days later had me in the midst of two hot breathed bull moose that had their bulbous noses within inches of my face.  I could feel the steamy heat as I awoke to reality and relief.  In my dream I didn’t know how to rescue myself from two dangerous large Bullwinkles so I texted Rhea and told her to drive down the road honking and maybe it would scare them away.  Should I be concerned as to the deep meanings of these events?  Should I cut back on my soda/caffeine intake??

The Bed Skirt Issue

I ordered a black bed skirt off of Amazon for the guest room.  My brain has run in odd circles ever since as I ponder a very perplexing question.  Why do they make bedskirts that don’t have the slit for the bedposts?  Am I missing something?  So I have this really nice bedskirt but now I have to take it off and make slits for the edges because I don’t like the look of it at all without them hanging properly.  I know this is a trivial matter but most importantly I just don’t know why but I’ll find out.


Post Pig Out

The day after Thanksgiving produces many many feelings and thoughts.  I am always scurrying around to finish up Black Friday deals.  I ponder when I will get my fresh Christmas tree and exactly where it will rest its falling needles and deliver its awesome scent.  I ponder everything I need to order so it arrives in due time for me to reship it always mindful of the fact we live in Alaska.  I am wondering how many days Mike can eat his turkey in Rhodes rolls so I don’t have to fix dinner.  I also crave some pie because I ate a lot of pie yesterday  . . . and my body wants more.


Turkey Day 2018

If the following three criteria aren’t met on Thanksgiving Day it just wouldn’t be what our norm is.  The food was awesome.  The supreme hostesses (Tara, Britta, Micah and Kelcy) pooled their efforts for a delicious meal as well as a deep fried turkey by Mike.  We ate at Bret and Britta’s.  A trip to the Emergency Room happened when Paige was jumping around and split open her chin.  Britta and Paige ate later and no stitches were done – just a bruised ego and a few butterfly bandaids.  The day wouldn’t be complete without everyone kicking back, stuffed and happy.  This picture wasn’t even staged – they just know how to relax.



New Clock Needed

I like to boast I have good hearing, which I do, but maybe is it my sensitivity to sound which I don’t think I should boast about, so I won’t.  I have been hearing this sound when I am sitting on the couch in the living room.  I have heard it for a few weeks now and haven’t been able to figure it out.  It sounded like it was coming from the top of the house outside so one day I took a look.  Something was making a subtle scraping/screeching sound and yet I could see nothing that was doing it.  While talking with Rhea it happened and then we realized together it was my big clock.  The second hand must get stuck every so often and scrapes and screeches its way around.   The source was right beside me and now I know the rest of the story.



My Pre Thanksgiving Thoughts

The best things about Thanksgiving are:  I love making pies and this year I am down for an apple pie.  I receive creative artwork painted by my grandchildren.  (artwork courtesy of Blaze Williams).    I don’t have to do the whole dinner because the girls are all making a part of it.  Mike is deep frying the turkey.  All my Christmas stuff is up and I am soooo relaxed for a great Thanksgiving meal, family time and of course Black Friday shopping.  I am so grateful for ALL that I have been blessed with.
