All In Bed Before The Clock Struck Twelve

We spent hours last night talking about what our plans were to bring in the New Year and no one had any plans.  We laughed because it took us all evening to do that.  The grandparents were happy to sit and visit and Kyla whipped up some amazing fudge.  I made some cinnamon rolls and my Dad ate three and two were saved for his early morning drive to the airport.  So we welcomed in the New Year by inhaling tons of calories and being together.  My kind of kick off.


My New Christmas Fav

We sang the hymn “Ring Out Wild Bells” and I fell in love with it.  I am sure I heard it before but somehow today it just had great meaning.  “Ring out the old, ring in the new.  Ring, happy bells, across the snow.  The year is going; let him go.  Ring out the false; ring in the true.  The year is going; let him go.  Ring out the false; ring in the true. ”  This is a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson, whose home we visited while in England on the Isle of Wight.  The wild bells were supposedly the bells of the Abbey Church.   It is an accepted English custom to ring English Full circle bells to ring out the old year and ring in the new year over midnight on New Year’s Eve.  Sometimes the bells are fun half-muffled for the death of the old year, then the muffles are removed to ring without muffling to mark the birth of the new year.

The Wedding

Lane and Kelcy were married today by Ben Miller here in Big Lake.  The venue was so pretty, the snow was falling outside, the place was packed with friends and family, Oaklee and Alfie were flower girls, Hatcher carried in a sign, the food was amazing, Lane was emotional . . . while we danced he said this was the happiest day of his life, as it should be.

Photos Coming Soon

My one wish was to have a family photo taken with everyone here.  We got pretty dang close just missing Sam and Blaze.  We all made our way up the road to a beautiful spot where Britta had Willy take the pictures.  We did some with all of us and then some with the Grandparents.  The big laugh came at the end where Oaklee, who was sitting on my lap, was seen wearing sunglasses.  We all thought she wore them for the pictures but little “Miss Movie Star” just put them on at the end.


Every Single Year

It arrived.  The dreaded Christmas card laced with cyanide sheepishly floated from my fingers to the counter.  Do I even dare open it?  Should I have someone else take care of its contents?  Perhaps it is “clean” this year and there is no need for my anxiety driven moments of fear.   I took a deep breath and faced the nightmarish event with strength and sliced open the envelope.  Having the finesse of an FBI agent I opened the card carefully over the trash can where little specks of shiny confettis fell to their death.  I got you little cyanide-infested nasties right where you belong.   Merry Christmas.


I Held Off On The Wrapping Paper

Boxing Day at its finest.  Kristi and I hit up Target for some early morning after Christmas sales and then headed home to box.  Seriously, today is the day for the big switchover where Devin/Brooke and family and Dillon/Kristi move over to Bret and Britta’s to make room in our inn.   Rhea and I boxed up all of Christmas and I did laundry and cleaning for the Grandparents and Kyla/boys that are arriving tomorrow.  Always take into consideration the fact that bath sheets take a long time to dry.  Seriously.


The Nicknames Were The Best

It was so cool so have an idea bloom into a full fledged project that completed our Christmas Day.  For our “star gifts” this year we had made jerseys for our entire family to wear for our annual Christmas Day Skate.  A shout out goes to Brooke and Devin for formulating the idea, for Brooke for designing our logo, for Wendy Taylor for screening the shirts and for Mike for paying the bill.


Shhhhh. . .

Under everyone’s tree is wrapped a very special cookbook that Brooke and I put together these past few months.  I am so proud of our accomplishments.  This is the preface:

“If you have had the privilege of eating at the Styers home, you may have noticed an interesting post dinner tradition.  Mike, the patriarch of the family always turns to Tara and says, “great dinner Tara.”  It isn’t stated with fanfare, it’s a simple matter of fact statement.  It seems like Mike is saying, “well Tara, another great dinner, but that ‘s not a surprise.  We have come to expect great dinners and you delivered again, like you always do.  Thanks.”  Soon the chorus of “great dinner Tara” is being heard from everyone at the table.

Even a son-in-law has taken up the cheer.  Even though they live miles away, “great dinner Tara” is often heard after a good meal.  Friends always ask who is Tara?

This book contains a humble few of the recipes that inspired such gratitude, such praises throughout many years.  My hope is that your  family will enjoy the old also take a hint from Mike and make a tradition of expressing gratitude to the cook.  I hope this book will bring lots of “great dinner Taras” to your home.

The Wild and Wicked

Our annual Styers White Elephant gift exchange can get wild and crazy.  We joyfully participated with a plethora of items from an old bowling ball to a beautiful Pioneer Woman crockpot.   Brooke adores her hot dog/bun toaster and there was a fight for the thermos and fresh Alaskan shrimp.  Easton scored with the five pound Hershey bar and I got . . . well. . . thank you Rhea.


Grammie Boxes

First came the bags and now the boxes, each year may produce something new.     Seventeen boxes were filled with goodies from play snowballs, stickers and snow paint to homemade Reindeer food and Christmas Puppy Chow with the exception of Easton and Brecken because they had books and pucks.    Each box had their name on it tied up in a big red bow.   I set them under the tree a few days before Christmas and “awed” and “sighed” over their simplicity and Christmas charm.  Just my Grammie thing . . .
