
Kyla sent me this picture of Maverick’s little preschool class.  I looked at each picture and then I saw Layne who looks just like Lane did.  What similarities – just a different spelling of his name.  We all had a good laugh over that one.



Physical Therapy Is Fun

Little trouper Dash has been having physical therapy for quite a while now working on his neck and head shape.  He has done amazing and his numbers have reduced substantially.   Dash was diagnosed as having torticollis which means “twisted neck” and it needs to be corrected before he is one.  He is now being measured for a helmet which he will wear for six months.    This picture was taken during his helmet measuring session – Dash is the absolute perfect little patient and should be the next poster child for torticollis.



Dear Olive Garden,

Your visual display of your limited time only dessert choice was so very appreciated.  The full color display card that accompanied our menu was beautiful and very enticing.  I was curious about the “Chocolate Brownie Lasagna” and inquired about its ingredients to our server.  She verified its sweet enticements and said that it consisted of eight layers alternating between rich fudge brownie and vanilla cream cheese frosting.  It is topped with chocolate shavings and chocolate drizzle.   Your luring and shameless marketing tactics did pique my interest and for one fleeting moment I considering just getting  “one teeny slice” until I saw in bold print – 910 calories.  I cannot or will not sacrifice close to one day’s calories on your sinful engagement between dessert and myself but I do commend you on your attempt.

Best regards though.


Muscle Relaxants And Ibuprofen

I tweaked my back again (old wound from when Deb and I pushed a freezer off her truck about fifteen years ago) and Lane got a puck to his foot at a game.  I’m walking slow and slightly bent over and he is limping to the max.  I heard that injuries “give us perspective.  They teach us to cherish the moments that might have been taken granted before.”  (Ali Kreager).  So very true.  Whenever I do this to my lower back which is about once every couple of years my heart goes out to those that suffer back pain.  I will never take for granted my ability to move freely and flexibly.  Never.


What Were They Thinking?

I was always the tall one in elementary school.  I was on the back row in all my class pics.   I was easy to find and easy to see.  I became average height as an adult but still remain taller than my girls.  I’m the first to offer to reach something way up high because I usually can.  I’m still on the back row when my friends and I take selfies.  I noticed something very odd while shopping at the Three Bears store at Pittman.  While in the produce section I reached up to grab a plastic bag off the roll.  There is no exaggeration when I say “reached” because it was a bit of a stretch for me.  I stood there for a moment and looked at the other rolls of plastic bags way up high – I’m really sorry short people.  If I see any of you there I’ll be sure to grab you some bags because you will NEVER reach these.


Ready For The Cheese Flow

I pulled out the old chocolate fountain that I have had for about twelve years, dishwasher cleaned it and used it at our activity the other night.  I got a great flow of chocolate going which is the ideal end result so I was pleased.  At the end of the evening someone mentioned to me about using nacho cheese in the fountain.  What an unheard of (by me) yet novel idea.  Understandably I went home and googled “nacho cheese fountain.”  Oh my goodness . . . I think I’ll have a party, just to have a party, and to have a nacho cheese fountain.


A Very Small Downtown

I drove home from a morning of tasks.  One was cleaning a home of friends who had earthquake damage but are in Spain and then on to finish up some other errands.  My mind was pondering the state of things, still no paychecks, grandchildren’s birthdays, my afternoon plans.  I had a project to finish at home, needed gas in my car and to check the mail.  Honestly, my mind was actually floating around aimlessly as I circled the roundabout and while on the straight stretch I saw a very unfamiliar sign.  I turned around to see what I had missed.  So glad I did.  “Smile. And Have a Nice Day in Downtown Big Lake” which is exactly what I did.



The Season

The flu seems to be working its way around all the kids.  Micah and her gang were sick, Kyla has had sick ones and last week it was Remi. Rhea has a cold and now Paige has the flu.  Britta sent a picture of her lying in bed.  You can tell little perfect ponytail  doesn’t feel well.  As bad as she must feel she certainly looks like a beautiful porcelain doll.


My Love

I have a sweet tooth which I have always had.  My latest go-to snack to curb those cravings for something chocolate/sweet is to grab about five or six craisins.   It is quite easy to remember since one craisin equals one calorie.  I’m not a cranberry sauce lover but the process of partially dehydrating a cranberry – that suits my palate.  The process is like turning a grape into a raisin.  The word craisin is a blend of cranberry and raisin but also a registered trademark of Ocean Spray Cranberries.  The word cranberry is a shortened version of craneberry which came from the plant’s flowers that dip down and resemble the head of a crane.  In Canada cranberries are also known as bounce berries because they literally bounce if dropped when fresh and bearberry since bears also love them.   There is a lot to learn when indulging in five calories.


Who Would Have Thought

It has been day thirty something of the government shutdown and the gears of life have shifted somewhat.  We don’t get up as early – not a good habit.  Mike has been able to fix a few things around here and help out more with hockey and getting Easton and Brecken to their practices.  I saw three of Mike’s shirts he got for Christmas for work and they are still sitting in the closet, tags still on and needing their first iron.  I haven’t quite got back into my routine pre Christmas vacation. We are too young to feel like a retired couple.   We have been planning our spring trips upon the assumption work will resume soon.   Tick tock. . . no changes day to day.
