Carry On

 Rhea and I left at four in the morning to get her to the airport.  I was home and back in bed by six forty-five with lots to think about as I drifted back off.   Rhea is back to school but doing all online classes because she is off track.   I love to give advice so I told her to get a good daily routine going.  Everyone in the family seems to have things they are working on whether raising children, getting their education, career choices, working on getting out of debt,  exercise/weight/health or just plain old putting one foot in front of the other and surviving.  Whatever we are working on the keys words are “working on.”  We are not a family of non accomplishers.  We are not lazy.  We try to be proactive and move forward in our endeavors.  And so . . . one last bit of advice . . .remember this fine quote from Robert Browning that I learned in college.  “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp.”




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