Losing Ourselves In Service

We had a great lesson today and we discussed the talk by Elder Uchtdorf called “Believe, Love, Do.”    We talked about losing ourselves in the service of God as we try to overcome our own difficulties in life.  Then, I read this this evening regarding the devastation in California from the fire/loss:  “We mourn the loss of our second daughter,” said President Nelson in a media interview, noting that as a father he feels a deep sense of grief. “And yet, there’s nothing we’d rather do than try to be of help to others. … You learn that everybody has challenges and if you want to feel better, forget about yourself and serve somebody else.”  Sister Nelson also touched on that theme as she spoke to the gathering in Chico.  “In the midst of heart-wrenching loss, it’s natural for our souls to long for things to be the way they used to be. When we realize that that simply is not possible, we seek for those things that will never change,” said Sister Nelson. “The truths of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ are never sweeter than in times of loss.”  What beautiful examples they both are.


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