My Favs

On our way to the airport my friend Ruth sent me a picture of some classy  heeled XTRA TUFs.  I sent her back the picture of what I was actually wearing but told her I would definitely keep those in mind for church.  Our XTRA TUFS are a trademark boot the girls tell me.  . . only Alaskan girls wear them around Rexburg.    They are all I wear during the winter so why change just because we are traveling.  Home grown Alaskan and proud to share it.

Team #4

Team #4 is ready for the Game On kickoff this Friday.  We have myself, David, Micah, Rhea and Kyla.  Seriously my biggest concern isn’t the daily exercise, nor the starting a good habit or breaking an old habit.  It isn’t following  a healthy eating plan – it is drinking three liters of water a day.  This has notoriously been my downfall and I am about to change all that.  Here are the five reasons why I need to succeed at my water intake:  1.  my immune system will be strengthened   2.  my heart’s health will improve  3.  I will age more slowly  4.   I will lose weight and the overall biggee is number  5.  my mental performance will improve.


Idaho Or Bust

I think normal people pack clothes, a few books, their computer and toiletry items to go on a trip but I however don’t.  My living room looks like a packing plant.  I have two large suitcases and a heavy duty snap tight tote.  There is a tea set, four large Costco gray bath towels, two Nerf guns, a set of calendar blocks and a sign for a living room wall.   All of these items plus my clothes, a few books, a computer and my toiletry items  will be added too.   Also, a clipboard and paperwork that needs to be done.  Oh yes . . . don’t forget my scale.


Something Great

We knew Dillon was making an ice rink in Hoonah but little did we know it would be this big and beautiful . . . and such a nice way of showing the community that you serve, that you care and that you have given the town an opportunity to have family fun and great exercise.  Way to go son.  “Before the bright, crisp clear winter weather goes away enjoy the ice skating rink at Keidladee Park.” (Sally Dydahl)


Our Van Was Our Second Home

Thank you Marjorie Pay Hinckley for reminding me of exactly how I felt all those years while raising little ones and trying to do my best.  There were many times  I had spit up on the shoulders of my dress at church and babies that took naps on the road continually.   My children would get excited when they got home and saw me cooking a meal complete with dessert only to find out it was for a family in need.    I drove that GMC Safari van with pride, filled with kids and snacks to and from a million hockey practices, scout meetings, dance practices and piano lessons.  There were no Hawaii trips, nothing frivolous, just good whole-hearted working on the thing I loved most, being a mother.




Old Friends Are The Best

While visiting and beginning a full day of Women’s Conference I heard ‘Tara’ called  in the midst of a cordial conversation.  I looked over and didn’t even have to retrieve her name from the depths of my brain as I usually do and surprisingly said, “Marlene!” and then we embraced.  I hadn’t seen Marlene in probably ten years which is sometimes impossible to believe since we really do live in a small area.  She used to do my nails and hair for many many years and we became such good friends.  She then had to care for her mother for a bit and we lost touch.  The kids remembered playing at the park across from where she used to work and live while I was attempted at being primped and beautified.  Micah was with me today and Marlene remembered her being just a little girl then.  Galene knew Marlene too so we all sat together and caught up.


Me, Marlene, Galene & Diane


I like change.  Changes pushes me and it gets me out of the humdrum I sometimes find myself in.  We have had many policy changes in the church this past year.  President Oaks said that a change of heart is what matters most.  “Change is almost always exciting,” President Oaks said. “The changes we have experienced in our Church meetings and policies should help us, but by themselves they won’t get our members to where our Heavenly Father wants us to be. The changes that make a difference to our position on the covenant path are not changes in Church policies or practices, but the changes we make in our own desires and actions.”  I love this.


My Best Friend

The cold.  Everyone seems to have this head cold thing going on myself included.   I can handle the sniffles, the fever, the overall feeling of malaise, the sleepiness, the headache and the phlegm ( sorry to have to use that word.)  What I struggle with the most is the nagging and irritating cough at night.  I just can’t sleep.  I toss and turn.  Then, I give up, go to the kitchen and take a nice soothing capful of the dreamiest liquid ever.  NyQuil Severe!  Am I the only one in the whole wide world that loves the taste of cough medicine?


Just Some Guy. Who Cares.

I told a friend I would drop off a package for her at the UPS store.  As I was leaving the place and about to get into my car there was a huge white truck parked next to me.  The guy had a broom and could barely reach the roof of his monster as he attempted to brush off the snow.  It was a beast of a vehicle.  He saw me getting into my little “peanut” and said, “You feel safe with all the moose driving in that car?”    I said, “I sure do” and drove off.   That was rather cocky and rude of him I thought.   What happened to just “Good Morning ma’am?!”



Lessons In Life

While scrolling through Facebook about a month ago I kept seeing an ad  for “My Comfy Pants” at a great price.  For a few days, as I scanned through my feed these comfy pants kept beckoning me to take a closer look, which I did.   I ordered them thoughtfully but a little impulsively.   I could use a new pair of jammie pants I rationalized to myself and I loved the black and pink floral.  Then I waited and waited for their arrival.  About five weeks later they came and of course they came slow boat from China.  They aren’t black and pink, they are orange and pink and I am not an orange lover, sorry Rhea.  Lesson learned.  I’m only buying jammie pants from Target where I can tangibly hold them, try them on, have them immediately and ascertain wholeheartedly that the color is pink!