
I was reading that if you focus journal, even for a few minutes at a time, it can bring clarity and a renewed purpose to your day.  One of the monthly prompts was to “consider one word that encapsulates what you want to focus on in the year ahead.”   The word I would choose would be ‘order.’  I have this innate yearning for order and I don’t just mean an organized home.  I want to complete things that I have wanted to do for a long time.  For example, I have a bin of keepsakes that evoke memories that can be turned into my life story.  I started working on that with my writing group but have a long way to go.  I want to put my Dad’s stories into a book form so he can have it.  All of these ideas and I have many many more once accomplished or even attempted will give me peace and ‘order.’   And I focused and I journaled.  Check that off too.


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