Old Friends Are The Best

While visiting and beginning a full day of Women’s Conference I heard ‘Tara’ called  in the midst of a cordial conversation.  I looked over and didn’t even have to retrieve her name from the depths of my brain as I usually do and surprisingly said, “Marlene!” and then we embraced.  I hadn’t seen Marlene in probably ten years which is sometimes impossible to believe since we really do live in a small area.  She used to do my nails and hair for many many years and we became such good friends.  She then had to care for her mother for a bit and we lost touch.  The kids remembered playing at the park across from where she used to work and live while I was attempted at being primped and beautified.  Micah was with me today and Marlene remembered her being just a little girl then.  Galene knew Marlene too so we all sat together and caught up.


Me, Marlene, Galene & Diane

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