Sometimes I Ask Myself. . .

What is sweet to the ears of a misophoniac?  Even though some sounds are skin crawling irritating there is some peace out there for all of us sufferers.  Here are a few:

-a very peaceful quiet house during the night – I could hear a mouse squeak if we had one

-eating with a group of friends and no one is a trigger to me

-the absolute amazing feeling when my Bose headphones are on and the world and the sounds are just gone – vanished – that is the best feeling of all

-driving in my car – all alone – no music, no talking, nothing


New Home

We moved the old bench from under the tree.  It was housing lots of pinecones and leaves and it needed a new home and some TLC.  As we picked it up there on the bottom was written Made in Montana.  1996.  Monty Cassidy’s Dad made that bench and I don’t remember if Monty gave it to us or if I bought it but I just love it.  I think it was the last bench he made and I believe he has passed away now – kind of the honorary bench I suppose.


An Event

The event began as we chose out my flowers for the planting get together.  Micah (who likes to have her hands in dirt) did the planting, Rhea watched Callahan, I weeded my peony garden and Hinckley begged to help me out as well.  He loves to pull weeds so I told him if he did I would get him a treat.  Unbeknownest to him, Micah sent me a picture of what he really really wanted.  As we were done with our work his surprise was produced from the back of my car.  Hinckley was aghast, “Grammie, how did you know this is exactly what I wanted?”  He was so blown away and kept repeating that phrase.  Not only am I on heavenly ground with the Hinks but my flowers look pretty too.


Putting my thoughts down on paper for Lenora’s funeral on Saturday:

The Potters owned the third pew and we resided on the fourth pew.  It was there that I first met Lenora.  It was there that I received my first warm loving embrace and it was there that I felt a familiar connection to her sweet feistiness that I yearned for each week.   I loved to watch the Potters walk up the aisle, ‘dressed to the nines’, arm in arm, slowly taking each step so Lenora could take in a breath.  A small feat for me to turn my head and watch yet a milestone for their efforts in coming to receive the Sacrament. Through this past year the third pew often remained empty but not my heart, it was still full.  I still envisioned her perfectly coiffed white hair directly in front of me and I still felt her presence.  Oh but I missed the embraces.

 I used to think that standing at her door every July with my freshly cut bouquet of pink peonies from my garden was my most memorable Lenora moment.  Her cute little cheeks puffed up into a full happy smile as she took in the sweet aroma of the flowers every year, every time.

However, I would now say that my fondest moment with her was my last visit in her hospital room last month.  It was peaceful and serene, just her and I as she shared thoughts about her life and her family.  She shared her shortcomings in being a mother and in those brief moments we connected once again no longer from pew to pew but woman to woman.  They were tender moments where she shared and I shared.  No conclusions, not really regrets just sweet thoughts.



My Costco Special

As is my custom, every morning, never fail, I stand on the scale.  Lately my scale has been staring me back in my face with the message “Lo.”  I must have the best scale ever because it tells me I am so thin and skinny that my weight is just so low.  I then step off and get back on and the true number appears and of course I am clued in to the fact that I need to replace the battery.  Dang.  Wouldn’t it be nice if our scales did leave us messages like, “Hey, this is a great weight, be proud!” or “Tomorrow is a new day- you got this.”  Never would it say, “Hey it’s fatty!”





Lane and Kelcy are the coolest because they give the coolest gifts.  Literally, I mean cool.  For Bret’s birthday celebration which was a few days post the actual date Lane quietly slipped downstairs and brought up his cool, thoughtful present.  Kelcy caught the fish, they glazed it and then froze it just like that.  So cool!!!  So Bret can stick it in his freezer for a super long time and always remember his coolest birthday ever.


She’s Alive

Micah pruned my overgrown bushy lilac tree last year and we worried that it’s bald, bare existence might have been a little too harsh.  I patiently watched, waited and prayed that there would be life.  And there was.  Our resilient little bush has survived, thrived and she showed off her rebirth so daintily.  Welcome back darling.


Thought Provoking

 A good friend posted this about his mother who passed away last year.  I thought his message was very simple yet good for all to hear:  “Been thinking about you all morning. I think you’d be proud of what has become of our family.  We all miss you soooo much, but we are all a little stronger, a little more thoughtful with each other, and a lot more real.  I find myself constantly looking at what I do with the family and I can’t help but ask myself; what would Mom want me to do?  It has made me a little more patient, a little scolding, a little less hashing, and I hope a better representative of what you hoped I’d become.  I’m proud to be your son and thankful for your determination, example, and love.  I hope you get to check in with us today.  I sure miss you.  Happy Birthday Mom.  I love you!”


Work Day

Psyched and geared up for this day Rhea and I headed outside to tackle the lumber yard and we succeeded.  It was four hours of constant lifting, raking, shoveling, splitting and piling of wood to clear off the pile of wood that needed to be moved.  It was hard work and the body is feeling it but it feels so good.  Not only does it feel good to have it done but it feels good to know I exerted myself.  I stretched, twisted, bended and pushed and a hot bath with a bath bomb might be in order this evening.


Long Story Made Short

Mike bought a camper many years ago.  I wasn’t thrilled with the purchase.  The camper was only used a little bit.  The camper became an eye sore and started to leak.  I suggested we sell.  Mike said no.  The camper fell over with all the snow.  More damage.  We decided to build a garage so the camper needed to be moved.  Mike is off in Fairbanks.  I put it on Craigslist for $250.  I had offers and people came but the jacks broke and the camper fell again.  More damage.  Another said he would take it, paid cash, hoisted it up, but the camper fell again.  More damage.  He returned again and spent three hours all alone with six pallets, straps and some jacks.  The camper now has a home, the eye sore is gone, the shed can be moved and we have $250.  Everyone is happy – well except maybe Mike – his camper is gone.